Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Global Day of Action Against Poverty (Revised 11.3.07)

" Purple Dream Come True" Drawing by Cynthia D. Wilson

Today is the Global Day of Action Against Poverty.In recognition of this sentiment and in an effort to heighten perspective about the ravages of poverty around the globe,which has both spiritual and material consequences,I dedicate a poem which I wrote several years ago. Entitled "Love is the Currency", here is a link to the audio podcast and written introduction which is posted on "Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks-To Go", an abbreviated or take out version of this "Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks and Writes" blog.

As you read it, reflect on money and how this wonderful concept and tool has been and continues to be misused by some. As beautiful a resource money is and can be, it is frequently misused in our world as a tool of oppression and malevolent control.How people will sometimes do any and everything for the "almighty dollar", as the classic O'Jays song "For the Love of Money" goes "... People will lie,they will cheat...People don't care who they hurt or beat" sums up nicely this negative aspect of financial exchange, or stagnation,if you will. (Incidentally, the song was performed beautifully by Alicia Keys at the "Live Earth" concert in July at Giant Stadium.See a related article here. See a video of her coverage of that song which begins a medley of soulful social observation songs on Live Earth MSN video. Alicia also honors Bono,superstar rock musician who led the charge in this mammoth effort for debt relief, as well as the effort to fight AIDS in Africa.See that article here.)

What if the paradigm was shifted and it became "For the Money of Love"... instead. Maybe that tremendous debt that weighs down the progress of several underdeveloped countries across the continent of Africa would not have accumulated in the manner in which it did. There's also a strong possibility that it would now be more readily forgiven.

While my poem is somewhat introspective,I believe it is relevant in that it speaks to the truth of personal as well as global financial woes. Changing the world and offering meaningful solutions to its problems begins at home with each individual. Perhaps acknowledgment of a greater and higher system of currency in relation to resolving the scourge of poverty is the beginning of the path to reconciliation and a step in the right direction.There might actually be some benefit derived from shifting thinking patterns on money matters to the extent that the flow of love starts counting and adding up like never before.

Yes. It is of course a lot more complicated than this. But a shift in how we think about money could very well lead us on the path of progress out of a debt and poverty hole which has trapped many.Let's just say there is a lot of overlap here. As in "Let there be debt relief on earth,in Africa,etc. and let it begin with you."

I can think of so many occasions and so many times that I have witnessed a person or community suffer not because there was a lack of money,but because there was a lack of compassion on the part of persons or institutions having it in abundance. However, access to it was denied due to either bureaucratic or other forms of red tape.

Enjoy your day of Global Action Against Poverty! And,let it begin with you.Take some positive and constructive actions which demonstrate your care and concern for the "Debt Relief" in Africa campaign being led by In addition, be mindful about other issues of financial abuses and misuses which you observe on a daily basis in your own communities.

And remember, "Love is the currency. Let it flow!"

When and ever love flows as vibrantly as the colors spiraling up the stem of the flower drawing above, my "Purple Dream"(purple in the sense of high in aspirations, lofty,ornate and regal) will have indeed come true.



Related Blogs: Day of Action Against Poverty