Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heath Ledger Passes from Accidental Drug Overdose

Academy Award nominated actor and respected talent Heath Ledger who appeared in the critically acclaimed and popular movie BrokeBack Mountain has passed from a drug overdose. The actor who was admittedly under immense pressures and demands from his latest role in the latest Batman sequel "Dark Knight" had been battling addiction problems.Read more here.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Dr. King-Global Day of Action Against Poverty Revisited

Image Source-Poor People's March on Washington-1967

The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today marks the official celebration of the National Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. holiday. I went through some of my old blogs and found the above quote. It could not be more compelling,especially in light of the "Global Day of Action Against Poverty" celebrated a few months ago and the recent efforts by those in the White House,the Senate and the House of Representatives to come up with an economic stimulus package to ease the financial down swing many Americans are currently experiencing. Families are losing their homes and jobs are being outsource by corporations to foreign countries.Communities and individuals are in deep economic distress,while billions are spent on a mounting war.Some think we are on the brink of a recession.

The US is surprisingly in debt to China and other countries to the tune of millions. I know it's hard to believe. I was completely baffled when I first heard the announcement a few days ago.

There are many US citizens who feel that they have been thrown away and hung out to dry by the Washington Bureaucracy's current lack of concern for the poor and needy and its demonstrated favor towards the rich. It has been brought to light by the current unemployment rates,the status of health care and the failure to provide needed government assistance to those in disaster torn areas such as the residents of New Orleans and the broader Gulf Coast.

The struggle for economic justice rages on in this country.If Dr. King were alive to witness the state of financial affairs today,I believe he would be happy on the one hand,since inroads have been made into the wealthy social strata by a significant,but arguably insubstantial percentage of the historically underprivileged.However,I feel he would be more dismayed that there has been no remarkable narrowing of the divide between the poor and rich. In fact,some believe it has gotten wider with the systematic erosion of the middle class brought about by brutal economic policies of the current administration.

It was reported that the congress,Democrats and Republicans are scurrying around Washington,"hopping like bunnies",if they have to in an effort to push through some kind of workable plan to get the US on its feet.One journalist reported that it appeared almost like a"love fest",with members of each party making sincere efforts to work together.

On that note,I'd like to dedicate a blog containing a poem I wrote entitled "Love is the Currency".There is little doubt in my mind that we need love now more than ever to feed the hungry,house the homeless,care for the sick properly and to end the political partisan stagnation that creates the lack too many in our society currently face.

Yes. I say,continue to work together,Democrats and Republicans. If you're an independent,come with some ideas and answers as well. And,if you aren't missing any meals and live in the lap of luxury everyday,have some love and compassion for those who don't have much. Don't be stingy,fearful,haughty to share your resources,paying lip service only to the whole notion of "the pursuit of happiness" and the financial resources it requires to do the journey justice. Make your vote and influence count. Make poverty history.

Enjoy some music also and dedicate an uplifting song from one of the related playlists below to friend or,maybe even one of your congressional representatives.No. Itks not too "over the top".Go for it.And,remember,love is the currency.Please let it flow...

Happy Birthday,Dr. King.



Related Blogs and Articles:

Protest Songs Sing Up!

Global Day of Action Against Poverty

Listening To:

Waiting On the World to Change

Protest Songs A La Social Observation