Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Art of Asking

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The Heavier Octaves Profile Song of the week is "Say" . It is a beautiful song.It sounds like a lot of time and effort went into composition and production.The song was especially commissioned for the movie "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.There are two music videos of the soundtrack song,one official and the other an alternate version.

Have there been times when you've either been all choked up(some call it full) or otherwise at a loss for words?

Lately,I have found myself more and more at a loss for just the right words. At times, just what symbols of expression to use has been a challenge as well. I have come to discover that this happens usually when I have not exercised my gift of speech or articulation at that crucial moment. Believe it or not even as a minister this happens.I have found myself in such a predicament either when the person I want to say something to is surrounded by people who should not really be privy to the information or when careful wording and diplomacy has to be used. It has also happened when I am afraid of being misunderstood,i.e., when I feel my intentions likely to be misinterpreted by a hostile or biased audience.Sometimes I don't say anything out of fear of being rejected,especially when it is a big dream involved. The stakes are usually pretty high then. And,please don't confuse this kind of trial with a crisis in faith. I wrote a blog a few years back which provides a different spin on the issue, entitled "The Art of Asking".

Getting clogged up, one way to reference it,is what begins to happen when you've let the opportunity to express yourself pass on numerous significant occasions.You simply become rusty and underutilized over time. And,as a consequence, when the opportune moment arrives in which you absolutely need to use your voice ,having been out of practice somehow you lose it. Awkwardly, you finding yourself not really knowing just what to say.

Honestly,there are times that you really need to remain silent. But nine times out of ten,you need to speak up. Don't get frozen in time pondering and weighing the consequences...on temporary inexpressive meltdown. Let it rip. And,like Esther... , who thought "If I perish,I perish...take the risk,be bold and courageous. One thing is for sure, you will have spoken your mind and gotten something out of your heart and into the wider world.The world will likely be a better place as a result. You may save some one, some people or even yourself. And,if nothing else comes of your bold verbal catharsis,you can at least sleep easier at night knowing you've done your part.

Trust and have faith that someone will hear you.It may be the one you've longed to receive the true meaning of words coming from the depths of your soul. "Say what you need to say". No more playing with the "shadows in your head"...

On that note,I think it appropriate to once again lift up a blog I posted on Myspace entitled "The Art of Asking" . Here is the link(coming soon...).

While you go through the blog ask yourself and create a kind of "bucket list." "What do you want to do?" What haven't you done or said to make things right with yourself or another? Remember,you don't have forever.





The Bucket List

Listening To:



Esther's Story