Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Creative Prayer of Trust

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Today's reflection about trust is based on the following scripture and you may find the fuller version of it in video format on the "Chaplain of Pop" You Tube Channel:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV version)

Trust is important in building lasting relationships.The bottom line is that it is important for us to be honest and trustworthy in our dealings with one another as much as possible.

I have learned through the trials, the storms and the tests of life, and they are sure to come, to place my complete and total trust in God. That is, I rely on God working through the person or situation for my higher good. Let God place on someone's hearts what their actions and behaviors should be towards you. As the coin says "In God We Trust". It is in God we should always place our trust. With God you can't go wrong. You may not always like the outcome. But it will always be for your highest good. Human beings may fail you,but not the creator of the universe,the maker of man, woman, child,heaven and earth, the alpha and the omega.

Here's the prayer:

"God, I am trusting in you to somehow work this situation out and resolve it for the highest good of everyone concerned. I rely on you to place on each person's heart the behavior or actions to take that would be pleasing to you in this matter. Maybe the one thing I wanted was not what the other person wanted or what you would have for either of us. Please shine your light of clarity and help all concerned to see your will and your way. I surrender everything and turn it over to you god. I trust in you."

Peace and blessings,

Cynthia Wilson

The Chaplain of Pop