Saturday, June 25, 2011

Serena Williams' Court 2 Assignment: Engineering Derision and Racial Superiority with a Full Court Press?

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When I read the news yesterday about how Serena had been relegated to Court Two (2) I was baffled. The inferences being drawn and the questions it has stirred concerning racism and sexism at Wimbledon has sparked a lively interest in the goings on in that rather prestigious competition. I thought I was reading perhaps a very dated article from a very old publication   There must have been some  time warp that had taken place in the media and real time. I obviously had not gotten the full scoop or had  read the print clearly. After all this is the 21st century and we are definitely not in the 50's or 60's when racism frequently reared its ugly head. Selena and Venus were not even born then. And, of course Europe was usually a safe haven, a destination of escape from the limitations of  race politics, particularly for black entertainers and athletes of renown.

Sometimes blatant and frequently subtle, psychological assaults laced with innuendoes of inferiority were standard fare for black people in America. Whether they lived South under the constant restrictions of Jim Crow laws which created separate areas for blacks whether  at "colored only"drinking fountains, restaurants and bus passenger sections or  up North, where blacks were contained  by urban blight and underemployment. Northerners were just a smidgen more sophisticated, sort of like the Brits were at Wimbledon about how they ,whether on purpose or by accident, meted out the subtle doses of  superiority. Call it a 'supremacy cocktail' served with a twist.
The message--resolve to dominate at all costs regardless of expense, hurt or slight  to others. No. It could not possibly be racism. There's no such thing.
In today's world what was done to Serena would be almost laughable, if it weren't so demeaning... deriding one of the most accomplished women in tennis history with  that kind of slight.  In modern parlance Serena was"dissed" by  Wimbledon officials--those who are responsible for doing the "behind the scenes logistics".  A white counterpart with no winnings or championship status on a par with she and her sister Venus was assigned to play in center court before the Queen of England. That's right... center court while  an icon of the game was discreetly set to the side effectively cut off from the opportunity and obscured from the honor. She was placed in an off center area restricted from center court view and yes, maybe even 'Royal' juice.

The timing for this slight could not have been better. Serena unlikely as she currently is to make a big stink about it, certainly out of respect for the Queen. And, after a bout with a physical illness, she recently gave a testimony, eyes filled with tears, about how overjoyed  she was to be healthy enough to return to the game.  Then there was the media play up of disgruntled remarks she made last year in response to a referee's call resulting in very bad press...
With all due respect for the Queen who undoubtedly had nothing to do with the placement, and those at Wimbledon, who seemed sympathetic, the situation still bears correcting. While Serena may not demand it, those who love the game and all that she has contributed should be concerned. Yes. She is rich and has won numerous Tennis championships,including four (4) Wimbledons singles titles. So, what's the big deal? Well, speaking up is a start in preventing wrong signals from being perpetuated in the future either inadvertently or intentionally by future 'court assignment engineers' and will contribute to the healing process. She must have had her feelings hurt if nothing else by this incident.  A show of support by making caring comments of concern should boost her morale. If  the Court 2 assignment was indeed made based on the fact that she was black then that only compounded the injury.