Friday, August 5, 2011

An Inspiration fund...Buy American

Image source

For whatever reason, a good portion of government aid for the ordinary citizens seems to have clogged up in one political bottleneck or the other. It just does not seem to be pouring out fast enough to meet people's immediate needs. The nation could use more jobs. Our state and local governments could use a little cash to spruce up our infrastructures and save our educational institutions. If I hear of another school closing or drive by another business location that was once thriving and now boarded up, I' not scream, but pray harder. Buy American is as much a needed slogan as it is a needed reality. It could'nt hurt to emphasize the purchase of goods and products as well as continuing to buy into and not give up on the American Dream.

Banning together is the key. If we could just convince our legislators and the people they represent of this important phenomenon. I applaud the President for the job he is doing in the face of so much bitter and often times mean spirited opposition by House Republicans overdosing on infusions of Tea Party dogma. My prayer circle prays for him and our political leaders daily,including those whose views or tactics we don't necessarily agree with. Diversity within the unity is what makes democracy healthy.

Let's also keep this spirit of unity lifted up so that layers of delay and set back as has reared its head in the recent debt debate won't be a recurring reality. Perhaps if Community Awareness 101 with a prerequisite of a sleep over or field trip to a blighted and underprivileged area was required for all members of congress there would be more compassion for the poor. Financial predators who profit and gain from schemes and plans designed to benefit only themselves at the expense of others could be put on an intensive track.

Not caring about others as long as you get yours comes with a price. One that is at the end of the day really too high a price for such a great nation as ours to pay. Just look at where our country stands economically in relation to some countries that were once trailing us. That should speak volumes...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy 85th Birthday, Tony Bennett

Legendary crooner Tony Bennett receives birthday wishes from artists  contributing to his latest recording project Duets II,slated for release next month.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shar House

These are photos taken during a recent visit to a drug rehabilitation and self-help addiction center Shar House. Our church has adopted one of the rooms which is in the process of being redecorated and spruced up by some spirit filled sisters.

 What I loved most about the place was the spirit of genuine sharing that embodies its philosophy to the extent that it is in fact a reality, not just a superficially promoted slogan. The house is truly built of  community efforts of the various churches and organizations that come together to adopt individual rooms and beautifully decorate them with amazing wall colors,window treatments,art work, stripped,varnished and glistening hardwood floors. It demonstrated what can be done when people really come together in a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation with love in their hearts.  No duress or coercion involved,simply inspiration.

The above pictures were taken of the walls inthe conference room which,as you can see, were filled with encouraging and uplifting aphorisms.