Saturday, January 7, 2012

God Will Provide...Spirit Warmers and Jobs

A friend called recently, near the close of last year thrilled to announce the news about her new job.She was joyous to say the least about entering the gainful employment stream once again after so many months and years of  unemployment. Mainly a a result of the down surge in the economy which took hold during the previous administration and spilled over into the current economy resulting in what has been assessed by the experts as one of the worst recessions. Some of the experts have even slightly hinted of a depression.

More than care to admit have been in the jobless category. Some have been first timers, professionals and executives rusty in job seeking skills. Some have not been as open about their status as others due to shame, embarassment and a desire to keep up appearances.  Many  have weathered the storm quietly and honestly with dignity,few complaints and the resourcefulness born of faith in god, solid values and love of country.  It was good to hear about my friend's good fortune. Obama's news about the economy just a few days following i.e., the decrease in the unemployment rate down to 8 percent from 9 provided a welcome dose of enthusiasm and added to the optimism.

It is a reminder that god will provide even in the bleekest of times if we have faith and continue to knock on doors with hopeful expectancy. Politicians spewing venom at each other amid allegations of incompetence,pointing fingers amongst themselves about their lack of sound economic policies, playing short sighted  games of one upsmanship to secure temporary surges in the polls would not seem to be the most productive course of action. Of course its an election year. But why can't they all come up with sound ideas for the good of the country instead of beating it down. At least show the President a little more respect for the enormity and complexity of the task at hand. 

Despite his detractors, Obama's earnest fight,  taking the case for Jobs to the public, rallying for his Jobs Act in the face of naysaying and congressional opposition appears to be yielding fruit.  The growing number of jobs and companies who are hiring is a hopeful development.  It is also good to have the news of this reality hit home at this time,warm the spirits of the jobless everywhere while reminding the nation that we are still the richest country in the world. That has to be worth something...