Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Joy in the Morning

Joy Reid is excellent. Her punditry is impeccable. I have always been impressed with the incisive and well informed coverage she provides in combination with her special analysis of complex political issues. She is the only black female journalist to have a nationally syndicated show on MSNBC after Melissa Harris Perry's questionable departure. I look forward to her weekend show, follow her online and make a point of tuning in to any news show where she is a special guest host or panelist. I was thrilled to learn that she had been awarded her own show the Reid Report and her latest A.M. Joy, both well deserved.

By the same token, I was unhappy when I read a news article on the internet recently about her controversial run in or perhaps more accurately, misunderstanding with the Gay community concerning some remarks discovered on an old blog. This incidents brings to light some crucial issues of internet misrepresentation and fraud which is unfortunately running rampant on the web. Those who recognize and have the courage to call it out are often subtly  discredited and mocked.
As a blog owner with an archive of blog posts which have been tampered with from screen shot manipulation to removal of irreplaceable photos and posts, this stuff she claims does happen. I believe her not just based on her own credibility but based on my similar experience.