Monday, February 11, 2019

Faith in Action

Today's word is from Mark 2:9-12. A reading of the entire second chapter, reveals the full story of the paralytic's desparate effort to be blessed by Jesus' healing power after he had returned home to Capernaum.

By the time Jesus returned home, he had gained superstar status. Word of Jesus' miracles had spread far and wide. He was someone that everyone wanted to get a touch from. He drew mass crowds to the places he came to teach and preach. On this particular day, there was a paralyzed man being carried by some men determined to get to Jesus. As they approached the place where Jesus was they realized the crowd was too large to get through. In their desperation to reach him, they eked out an alternate route, as it became clear they were not going to be able to navigate through the crowd and reach the place near Jesus and speak directly with him.

So they circumnavigated the masses, climbed the building and dug an opening in the roof above Jesus and lowered the paralytic near him. Jesus healed the man commanding him to get up and walk home.

The lesson from this story is that you have to often press your way in faith, moving and acting on your faith and determination to move around obstacles in order to reach the person who can really help you.

There is a blessing in the pressing.