Friday, September 18, 2020

The Season of Giving More Than Expected...

 The song goes "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

As we put up our decorations, gather together with family and friends while reveling in the joy and merriment of this holiday season, imagining new ways to bring happiness to children and loved ones, it is also a time to take stock of just what religious values mean. What can be done to heighten the true meaning of Christianity and Christmas in our families, communities and wider world, if Christianity is your religion of choice?  This is especially so in light of the intensity of the Covid-19 "roller coaster" ride we've all been on along with confrontations with police, racism and anxiety many may be feeling about the current political controversies,creating a divide in our two party system. Though there are independent parties bobbing their heads and throwing their hats into the political arena from time to time as well.

Do you as an individual ever have feelings of giving more of your time, your treasures and yourself than you had ever imagined? God loves a cheerful giver. But you do have to guard your treasures I.e., Even during the upcoming season of expected generosity that is rapidly approaching I.e., Thanksgiving next month and Christmas only 30 days from that. So, it’s prudent and timely to prepare and plan ahead.
 If you and those you plan on gifting love music, I have compiled a wonderful Christmas Jazz playlist for the holiday season.

For some of us Christmas came earlier this year and "over-giving" like oversharing can take its toll. But what do you do you the cheerful and Christ-minded giver encounter "takers", people who have little or no regard for your property. They think you are being petty because you want to make sure that your property is recognized as your property with proper credit given to you if you choose or have chosen to give it away. Not some fly by night gold digger who is only out to accumulate and maraude. What's wrong with you wanting recognition for your assets even the one's they take that you may have wanted to get credit for generously donating to them instead? There is something good about the joy that fills your heart when you give. I know I feel happy when I make a gift to someone who truly appreciates it.There's a very healing energy exchange. To be deprived of that kind of exchange is damaging to the giver who expected to give but was deprived because of an unauthorized interloper. It is a big loss.

So plan ahead for your next season and take every opportunity to give extravagantly from the heart what you want and intend to give. But guard against being co-opted or sly balled into giving what you had no intention of giving. Take every precaution that your generosity, hard works and kindness won’t be counted as weaknesses. Don’t continue to overextend yourself. 

Let’s keep that situation lifted in prayer as well.🙏🏾