Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biden Wins the Presidency! Amen and Hallelujah!


The New York Times has reported that Joe Biden has won the US Presidency after a tense, long and drawn out campaign and grueling election process. Kamala Harris graduate of  Howard University an historically black college and university in Washington, DC triumphs as the first woman, the first black woman to ever hold the position of Vice President. Biden has offered a message of healing and unity. Read more about it at the New York Times. God is good!

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Nail Biting and Bated Breathing Continues as Election Results Continue to Be Counted

 Biden keeps climbing the ladder to Presidential glory as Trump fights tooth and nail to hold on to the Oval. Trump has created flash fires of overly aggressive supporters clamoring any falsehood to establish an air of doubt and derision around the Democratic election process. That is very unsportsmanlike and unstatesmanlike. This is a very close election and zealous support from a candidate’s  base is expected. However, Trump has taken his zeal to win a bit further out of the bounds of peace, harmony and conciliation  and more into intentional development of factional discord than usual for a political candidate, especially a President. Large disorderly groups arrived at voting locations riled up and making frivolous demands. Meanwhile a candidate that can bring this country together-Joe Biden with a historic running mate Kamala Harris-is just inches away from the presidency. In contrast to Trump, Biden has not challenged any of the election results, even the razor thin results in states that Trump won. Nor has he made efforts to organize groups of supporters to assail rightfully conducted polling at election precincts in locations he did not fare to well in or to automatically disregard election results by defying them if he loses.

Let’s all continue to hold on, pray and hope the best man and woman win and that poetic justice will be meted out in large doses.

Check out my forthcoming audio post on my podcast at this link:

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 The song says it all. Keep pressing towards the high mark saints, upward and onward to victory!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Happy Election Day-Praise and Thank the Lord!

 Good Morning and Happy Election Day! Go to the polls early if you can. I took my mom later in the afternoon and there was a line. But the voting precinct staff was very accommodating and made sure she got all of her ballot information so she could vote. She is 86 years old. So waiting in a long line was not on her agenda even though we ended up waiting in the car so she could be comfortable.

I am so happy that I voted two weeks ago. Early voting opportunities made it possible for a good number of people to vote and look forward to it.

Today’s podcast message can be downloaded at this link.

By God’s Grace and Spirit

When people start tussling with me over spiritual vision and want to take possession of what has been already God-given, I just release and take the high road. You see, no one can take from you what has been ordained and anointed by God. They can act out their misconceptions of ultimate power being in their hands, but that is really a fallacy.  It took me some years to finally come to terms with that. But I truly have. I can say that I have really learned my lesson. 

Ironically, this entire Coronavirus pandemic has taught a lot of us just how little ultimate control we have over news and current affairs and the consequences they have on everyday living and survival. 

I may know how to fight legal battles with the help of legal experts and heavy weights. But their power and skill is no match for God’s infinite wisdom and grace. So, I turn things over to God to fight my battles in matters in which I know I have absolutely no power or control. And would only be “fronting” if I presented that all power was in my hands. Then, there are such things as successors and heirs. People of God know when to yield to their anointing, their gifts of the spirit that are evident and sincere and not foisted up on their own purchase power and secular ambitions. Spiritual leaders know when someone is anointed with the Holy Spirit as well, and they make room for them. Can I get a witness?

By the way, the church is a spiritual emergency room, a refuge from the world as those that are in the world but not of the world. It is a sanctuary a place where God’s children are welcomed, filled and fortified with the Holy Ghost, energized and healed by God’s miracle working, living, spoken and written word. Church is a sacred hallowed place that is not formed fundamentally by brick and mortar but whose foundation is laid by the love of Christ which spreads from breast to breast, heart to heart. As Peter proclaimed “Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Hallelujah and Amen.