Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Taking Inventory of Obvious and Not So Obvious Blessings

Rev. Cynthia Wilson with Dr.Hyung Chung faculty organizer of  Union Theological Seminary's "Is Peace Possible Summit" circa 

Happy Spring! On this second day of Spring, you may be considering Spring cleaning,taking inventory or otherwise getting things in order in preparation for resurrection Sunday or for renewing, refurbishing, reclaiming and rebuilding.

This morning  I read through chapter 1:1-11 in the book of Ezra in preparation for an inspiring word to share today. This portion of Ezra  is about Cyrus helping the exiles to return and taking inventory of the goods, supplies and financial assets that had been used to build their old temple, the one that King Nebuchadnezzar had leveled during the war according to scripture and taken to store in his temple. He had also sent the captives into exile.They were returning with King Cyrus' help and being restored. That restoration did not occur overnight but took place over a period of years and rulerships.The array of gold bowls, silver and other implements inventoried to be placed in the newly constructed tabernacle was staggering at 5,400. 

Couldn't help but think of how God will open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings you won't have room enough to contain. But you have to recognize your  blessings. Sometimes they come in forms you least expect. Remain prayerful, watchful and discerning, boldly stepping out on God's word and trusting in his provision.  For more tune into my forthcoming podcast on the topic of "Taking Inventory of Your Obvious and Not So Obvious Blessings." The link will be provided in the near future as a follow up to this post.

As you reflect on the word today, please continue to keep our Asian community lifted in prayer.

Above is a photo of me and my Seminary advisor, well regarded  Korean feminist and liberation theologian Professor Hyung Chung. She served as my advisor during my studies at Union Theological Seminary.  I am lifting her up today as part of my prayer to embrace and pray for our Asian community.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Please Pray for Cessation of Gun Violence: Supermarket Shooting Leaves 10 Dead

 Appallingly alarming. Here we go again. Mass murder is definitely a cycle that should never repeat itself in this country or anywhere else in the world. These horrific events should never be regarded casually. Nor should they be allowed to desensitize our nation to the dire need for the promulgation and enforcement of intelligent gun control laws.

 There is only so much the human psyche can take before shutting down and protecting itself from the repeated trauma caused by senseless acts of violence. Prayers are needed for the soul of our nation. This type of violence has to cease. It is a senseless way of handling internal or external conflict. Public health is at stake, especially our country’s mental health.

Prayers of comfort going out to the families of the victims including the Boulder police officer who perished in the attack.

Please pray mightily for the cessation of senseless gun violence.

No one should be afraid to go grocery shopping or filled with anxiety at the thought of being shot down at the market while leisurely shopping for their meals. God have mercy.