Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Inspiration Fund... Providing A Window of Hope and Sustenance for Friends in Need in 8 Parts

Alicia Keys: 'I Love New York/For The Love of Money'
Alicia Keys: 'I Love New York/For The Love of Money'

In continuing with the 8 part "An Inspiration Fund" blog in seeking pledges, I thought I'd lift up an earlier blog written almost two years ago--Global Day of Action Against Poverty . It isn't "Global Action Day Against Poverty" today but today's blog lifts up some of the same ideas and sentiments. So, when you're done reading it, have at one from the archives. A bonus is that I provided a link to a video in which Alicia Keys performs that classic O'jay's tune "For the Love of Money", which is posted at the top of this blog article as a "blast from the past". Enjoy!

Part III-"For the Love of Money"


For whatever reason, a good portion of government aid for the ordinary citizen seems to have clogged up in one political bottleneck or the other. It just does not seem to be pouring out fast enough to meet people's immediate needs. And, let's not forget another layer of delay and set back, financial predators who profit and gain from schemes and plans designed to benefit only themselves at the expense of others. They don't care about others as long as they get theirs, taking under the pretext of helping--with their own Madoff-esque twist.

Unfortunately, this kind of mentality has contributed significantly to the current economic crisis. Simply put, greed just got out of hand. One prime example and glaring reminder is the foreclosure crisis. It sent this country into a financial tizzy that will take it a while to recover from. The domino effect has sent financial giants to the bankruptcy courts and thousands have been laid off or terminated from their jobs. Many of us know friends and family members who have been impacted. to be continued

1 comment:

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