Saturday, May 25, 2024

NCA--Honors Artists and Community Leaders Committed to Artistic Vision

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, National Conference of Artists-Michigan Chapter, honored noted artist Shirley Woodson Reid long-term and devoted President, having served the chapter for over forty years. She was honored along with 27 artists who received this year's Vision and Excellence in the Arts  Awards during NCA's 50th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon held at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Duane Beddingfield, Arts and Culture Reporter for the Detroit Free Press served as Master of Ceremonies.

Ms. Woodson-Reid gave a keynote that provided a rich history of the organization. Several community and business leaders were recognized as well for their help and support over the years. See program booklet for a complete list. Contact NCA for a copy of the souvenir program booklet.

Reverend  Barbara A. Woodson gave the invitation and blessed the meal. The luncheon committee did a great job putting everything together from the well documented history on the program, the meticulously painstaking awards presentation for 27 artists who were honored individually to the luncheon menu.
This year's 50th Anniversary  Celebration was a beautiful occasion and a proud moment for a total of 27 artists who have maintained their artistry over the years and successfully met the challenges of keeping  their artistic visions alive and viable throughout the Detroit Metropolitan area and beyond. Their names are listed at the end of this post. They were this year's recipients of Vision and Excellence in the Arts Awards. National Conference of Artists has served as a vital support network, educating, unifying and inspiring throughout the years, honoring artists with this award.
A special memorial tribute was conducted for Eileen Montiero, an accomplished water color artist and board member of the Michigan chapter who recently made her transition. Memorial mentions were made in the event program of other members who have passed away over the chapter's 50 year history. Eileen was the most recent, very active and the glue that often held the organization's membership together sending out vital information about activities and events.

The members of the Luncheon Committee who planned and organized the event:

Robbie Best
Debra Brown Cage
Arlinda Crossland
Electra V. Fulbright
Sharon Gamblin
Ida Hawkins 
Terrie Hylton
Carrie Jones
Shekenia Mann
Eileen Montiero
Senhor Reid
Bill Sanders
Raymond Wells
Linda Whitaker
Shirley Woodson

NCA Michigan Chapter extended a very special thank you to the Committee and their friends and supporters over the years:

Camille Brewer, Archivist
Marion Hayden, Musician
Desmond Love, Filmmaker
Terrie Hylton, Artist
Shekenia Mann, Photographer
Bill Sanders, Photographer
David and Linda Whitaker, Collectors
This  year's Vision and Excellence in the Arts Awardees are:

 Check out NCA's website for further information about the event and the artists.
Congratulations to all the artists and supporters over the years. 


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