Friday, June 7, 2024

Truth Talk-- Detroit Music Lover's Experience: Detroit Celebrates Michigan Central Opening with Special Concert and Community Viewing Parties at Campus Martius and Several Other Community Venues




I headed out early in the evening about an hour and a half before showtime to see and experience the spectacular line-up for yet another stellar Detroit event. Detroit was abuzz and streams of people parking their cars and headed to the concert got thicker and thicker as I traveled from home to downtown and inched my way down Michigan avenue and over to Corktown.

I had contacted a few high-powered friends just a day ago when I heard that all of the tickets had already been distributed, hoping to get a few tickets for me and a couple of good friends. But something more important happened after praying. It was a blessing. that I could either gain entrance as part of the media team, since I am an avid music concert blogger whenever I can make it to the venue. But this concert was announced so rapidly, with only a couple of days between showtime and announcement, there was really no time.

But getting to the show was a no-brainer since miraculously the viewing of the concert was opened up to other locations outside of Michigan Central to accommodate Detroiters and others  who missed out on the initial ticket distribution. I knew I'd be watching the show live telecast from Campus Martius which turned out to be a very enjoyable experience. I was able to park my car very close within a few steps of the viewing screen, making the venue very handicap accessible.

I did try to drive close enough to the Michigan Central  venue earlier to take some photos of the converging concert goers and the fabulously renovated Michigan Central in time to make it back to Campus Martius. However, the main street leading to Michigan Central was blocked off and you'd have to walk several blocks on foot to make it to the main venue. I was on my walker and not a scooter so I took a few photos from my car and headed on back to the park to view the concert on the big screen there.

Some concert highlights:

Diana Ross dazzled the crowd as she radiated out on stage in an ultra-gorgeus flowing red gown. The Clark Sisters were amazing as they dazzled the crowd. Fantasia gave a skilfully rocking performance along with Melissa Etheridge and____in a tribute performance to Mitch Ryder. There were so many other great performances. It was a night to remember and cherish for Detroit and Detroiters relishing a phenomenal comeback for a city marred for years by blight, poverty and crime. The Michigan Center, once an eyesore now a beautiful gathering place. Below are some photos and video clips I took of the concert.

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