Showing posts with label Ethics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ethics. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2009

...But to Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humble: "Go Where the Need Is"

Pictured above: (1) Cynthia Wilson and Democratic Majority Whip, Congressman James E. Clyburn at Florida Ave. Baptist Church reception following sermon ;(2)Dr. Trent, First Lady of Florida Ave. Baptist, Congressman James E. Clyburn and Senior Pastor Trent, Dr. Earl Trent ; (3) Cynthia Wilson with friend and church member Iris Toyer at Florida Ave. Baptist Church reception for Congressman James E. Clyburn; (4) Cynthia Wilson and Dr. Earl Trent, Senior Pastor Florida Ave. Baptist Church; and (5) Cynthia Wilson looks on as Congressman James E. Clyburn greets and talks to reception guests and church members
Photos 1,2,3 and 5-Courtesy of Lonell Johnson-Founder-Director
Technology Playground

Courtesy of
Gary A. Smith, Senior Partner,
Ivy Planning Group, LLC

Today I had the opportunity to attend a special Sunday Worship service at Florida Avenue Baptist Church where the Reverend Dr. Earl D. Trent, Jr., is Senior Pastor. This morning's guest speaker was House Majority Whip for the 111th Congress, Congressman James E. Clyburn Democrat of South Carolina.

The Congressman exuded his usual statesmanship, authority and confidence, as he delivered an incisive and powerful word. He began by making a few clever remarks. He joked and easily broke the ice, warming the congregation prior to the sermon. He continued to lay a subtle foundation for the sermon and reception that would follow. When it was all said and done, the message in my opinion was clear. There are people in need of Health Care. Don't pass them up.
Start writing letters and making phone calls to your elected officials/representatives. Tell your friends to do the same. Pass the word and get the message out. Let your elected representatives and those in the media know that you support the President's Health Care Plan.

Clyburn's stern leadership qualities I have until this morning admired from a distance on the television screen or imprinted in a story on a newspaper page. I first observed his deft handling of the media during several of those politically charged incidents which transformed last year's Presidential race into one of the most grueling and challenging democratic primaries in the history of our nation. One that tested the soul of the Democratic Party and the mettle of Obama supporters. Somehow Clyburn always managed to inspire confidence and communicate in a manner that assured we were in good hands. No matter how edgy the situation got, our elected officials-- at least in the House of Representatives-- were on the job, aware of the issues and taking care of business. He was proceeding in the same manner today and I felt blessed to be in closer proximity, witnessing the commanding, yet humble presence live and in person from a church pew.

The table was set for his sermon, with a favorite Old Testament scripture Micah 6:6-8, which sets forth what God requires of man. Here is excerpted passage 6:8:

He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?

He also chose Luke 10:30-37, the Parable of the Good Samaritan, his favorite scripture from the New Testament.

The gist of his message: Leaders have to get off of their high horses and go to where the need is. Meet people on their levels. Go into their communities and show them how to apply the word by both precept and example. Giving the word is not enough. You have to follow up by demonstrating it. This provided a segue into the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the gage for determining a good neighbor. A neighbor (1) does not have to be a member of the same church; (2) does not have to be of the same ethnicity: and (3) gets off of their "high horse" and goes to where the need is, demonstrating compassion to those needing help, as the Good Samaritan did. He emphasized that the Good Samaritan and the man in need of help were from different ethnic groups who were warring against one another.

Following the service there was an informal gathering which provided an opportunity to meet Clyburn and to listen to a brief talk about what each of us could do to assist in the Health Care Reform effort. He left the congregants with one last scripture, Hebrews 11:1. " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." He urged everyone not to give up, assuring us all that our elected officials would get things back on track. He told us to write in to the radio, television, newspapers and other broadcast mediums and voice our views, showing our support for the President's proposed Health Care plan.

My Views:

(Revised 9.29.09)

I believe that quality health care is a basic human right and as such should be provided on a scale similar to that of public education. If you can afford to go to private school great. If you can't, but you still need quality education, public school is available. Now, substitute "health care" for public education. To make a solid quality public health program available to those in need, should not be up for further debate nor should the issue be vulnerable to continuous manipulation and distortion. Making health care available to all whether by public option or through other similar means is the direction in which the country should be headed.

Because in the final analysis, it is not really about partisanship, being Republican or Democrat. It is really not, or at least, it should not be about race, nationality or national origin. I know the issues are complicated. Some don't want a public option. There is also concern that the Republican movement against it will result in a watered down version of Health Care Reform caused by the big financial interests that stand to lose most. However, Congressman Clyburn in his sermon facilitated my understanding of it to more than a political question. In my opinion, he broke it down to a question of ethics and/or morals. If you follow the scripture parable of the Good Neighbor, its about helping those in need. To some this may seem like an oversimplification. But think about it. Are you going to just pass your neighbor by? The charge has been given in the word delivered.

So friends, I say don't be confused by the misinformation which seems to be flooding the internet and other media nor be intimidated by the number of venomous protests, demonstrations, outbursts and/or Town Hall meetings. Now is the time to ban together and engage in a unified effort to establish a program that many in need will benefit from. It may even save some lives. Giving Health Care Reform the attention it deserves is part of the hard work of which we were forewarned before and after the election. President Obama is not resting on his election victory. Nor can we. He is out there working hard to make affordable coverage a reality for all. So is the House Majority Whip. Now is the time to make your voice heard...once again. Get busy doing justice and loving kindness...

Thanks to my good friend of over 30 years, Iris Toyer. She is a long time member of Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Thanks also to Pastor Trent for keeping the church relevant and engaged.

Acknowledgments to Deacon Lonell Johnson and Gary A. Smith for taking and sharing with me their photos.

Thank God for blessing with friends in high places who are busy raising the bar.



Listening to: Yes We Can:Voices of a Grassroots Movement


The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better,Cheaper and Fairer Health Care by T.R. Reid

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's About Time (Chronos vs. Kairos)

I have been out of seminary for one full year now and out of the traditional job market for a good while longer.I'm using more general terms because waxing descriptive in this instance might result in too much of a shock for my psyche to bear... the realization of time passed too much to digest in one sitting.

It took three years to complete the Master of Divinity program. In the meantime and during the process,I have been busy trying to make it happen building an organization in an attempt to bridge theology with popular culture. My priority has been to do all I could to make God's creative vision for my life, and others affected, unfold and manifest as soon and smoothly as possible.

If you have discovered anything about visions,then you know that not everyone gets the one that you "got". Even if they did, it may still not have contained the exact imagery that yours did. Consequently, you may be the only one that has caught it at the degree and level of intensity that you have,which often accounts for the various delays and lapses encountered along the way between point of initial inspiration and point of actual manifestation.

Presto! Presto! Presto! No. That trifold command did not quite do the trick in my case. Not that I've actually used it,since I rely heavily on prayer and positive affirmation. Oh,believe me I have come pretty close to using presto as well as Abracadabra, (which incidentally was used in ancient healing rites). My patience has worn more than thin many more times than I'd like to admit. This process has turned out to be quite a bit more involved than anything a quick magical incantation designed to yield instant results could ever get me through. Nothing about this journey has been instantaneous. I've wanted to pack up and go home to mom quite a few times, just chew the fat and take life easy.

I have met some really fabulous people-super stars, movers and shakers, in shorter periods of time than I had expected. Credit Kairos for that.But everything else has been a gradual process,real gradual...seeming almost deliberately so.
If I have not learned anything on life's journey so far, I have learned that God's concept of time is not the same as mine. Put more succinctly, and more commonly known as the adage:"God's time is not our time."

In addition to grappling with the chronos versus kairos challenge, in my pursuit of the unchartered,I may have in some circles "innovated" myself right out of the market. Not the pop culture market. I think there is still room for me there. And I sense that things are opening up. I'm referring to the religious market. There are still those that think my interests are a bit eccentric to say the least. Not all my colleagues,but some.Yes. There are still conservative thinkers in my field who believe that there is no place for pop culture in religious life. My belief that "love and music are healing forces of the world" and that the linear and the creative could be combined in this pursuit,well...they probably view it as anathema at most and weird at best.

But as an internet radio host,music lover,artist and minister,I firmly believe this.So,this blog is my attempt to balance things out for that population,while making myself contract worthy (euphemism for employable). If that is at all possible for me. Well,at least until such time as I get picked up by the record company,the recording artist,the magazine editor,the book publisher,pop-TV show,etc. I have been pioneering a new field for chaplaincy,my friends..."Pop Chaplaincy". Just kidding. Smile. Not really...kidding,that is... However,Reverend Run may have beaten me to the punch on that one.

I even revised my blogger profile after four (4) long years of being "out there" in pop land to reflect the more stodgy and "high brow" aspects of my background.In other words,the pendulum has swung towards the conformist section in me. I've been called "polished unconventional" during my law practicing days. So,that should be an indication of how difficult it might be for me to now, or anytime for that matter, swing towards conventional.

In addition,I've spent so much time trying to build a bridge,an organization, a network, a concept,a dream,a vision that I believe was divinely inspired,God given that I completely left myself and more mundane needs out of the equation. Sacrifice of self for the higher good is the minister's credo if not their frequent stock in trade. And, if it isn't, then well maybe it just ought to be for the reasons I trust will become clearer to you and me in the coming days.Let's just say that right now I am engaged in the process of getting myself "out of the way" by putting myself in fuller view. If that makes any sense.

Right now,it is a little murky. I may never know why it has taken so long to claim myself... I have my theories,but they are just that and will remain unwritten for now.

Yes.Today has been the day for one of my most "suitable for practical application" epiphanies. One which comes in quite handy and is very timely in this phase of "discernment" as I build my Spirituality and the Arts ministry through the Creativessel Program at the Jan Hus Church currently with the "Lifting the Spirit" workshops.

One such revelation which hit me like a ton of bricks today and which is certainly useful in this period of searching for gainful preaching,teaching and consulting gigs is this. I have learned that I am currently not a "google-able" name for search purposes. Well,that is if you put in my name. The one I was born with,Cynthia D. Wilson. You get some Cynthia Wilsons. But you don't get me. This has occured to me before,but it did not seem to matter as much during that time. But today,I finally took the time to actually think about this situation. Could this be the reason? Hmmm...What are the possible strategies for resolution? Maybe one of my secret internet friends will help out on this one.

One of the Cynthia's is ironically the same age as me. Unfortunately,she was killed in the 9/11 disaster.God rest her soul and I send out loving thoughts and prayers to her family.Then you get others who've been engaged in entirely different careers than I.Then some have different middle initials. And,so on and so forth.

The bottom line is that I am an accomplished woman by most standards and you can not locate me on the internet by my name.You can,however locate me by googling other entities, a non-profit corporation I founded three(3) years ago,Heavier Octaves(it has an associated radio broadcast) and my arts and design ministry, Creativessel. You can also google my nick name Revcoolc,which takes you on a virtual odyssey of broadcast links. Some are out dated.Yes. I'm all over cyberspace identified under different names. Every name but my own. By today's pop culture standards that may be a no-no. I could counter with "Well, as long as I am in the Lamb's Book of Life that's all that should matter anyway". But are you there? One can never be too sure. Hold that thought. There's a sermon there. I promise.

Most people, that is my professional and theological peers,know me as Cynthia D. Wilson. Even though they are fully aware of what they may percieve as my valiant, albeit "low key" efforts, to bridge the gap between pop culture and theology through the creation and use of the above-referenced entities. In my efforts to do so, over the past four(4) years (it all started in 2003), I've been underground and occasionally "deep cover" with no outward attempts made to be preachy or convert souls during my online blogging and inspirational postings on message boards around the internet.

I've mixed and mingled with the internet masses and some formidable geeks,especially music fans. Many becoming long time cyberspace friends I've not actually met in person but who I recognize on various boards they frequent by flashing avatars or buddy icons. I now relate to them regularly in various online communities in the pursuit and understanding of pop mania and its relationship to a caring,neighborly and ethical society. Some I've encouraged,inspired or even lifted up in prayer. I've done a good amount of trading in music and concert tickets,posted reviews,recorded concert videos,etc. I've made a fair amount of cyber peace as well.

The ride has been a whole lot of fun and just as enlightening. But one thing for sure,and its part of the internet culture,is that people know other people by their "sign in", "user names", or aliases, which can sometimes be numerous. Sometimes they augment true identities. Sometimes they shield them. Sometimes they can buy much needed time to sort things out.

I started to reflect deeply about this today and figured that it was about time that I clarified my online identity. After all...

It's about time the world was officially enlightened about the origins of the remarkable sources of inspiration from pop culture, that have propelled me on during this awesome leg of life's journey with my belief in Christ's teachings still in tow.

This is headquarters.Welcome to my world. Population one...two,three and hopefully growing.



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