Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Give Them Their Flowers...

Cynthia Wilson chatting with Black Film Icon and Actress Ruby Dee at the National Newspaper Publisher's Association (NNPA) Awards Reception honoring Ms. Dee during
the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend-Fri. Sept. 25,2009

I was happy to be there and even happier that the National Newspaper Publisher's Association(NNPA) was honoring her with an award that night, giving her flowers while she could still enjoy them. It was a particularly special time for me. You see the last time I had the opportunity to talk with Ruby Dee was in 1983 in Detroit, Michigan at the after party for a play entitled the Ninth Hour written, produced and directed by playwright Barry Pugh.

 That very same night at the same party we also celebrated our birthdays together. Yes. Ms. Dee was gracious enough to share her birthday with me. And, I can't tell you what that did for me as a young African American woman, serving as Special Project Assistant for the first African American woman to be elected to the Detroit City Council, Erma Henderson. I was turning 29 and Ms. Dee...well, I will let her tell you that as I don't recall(smile). Her kindness that night has remained on my heart all these years. So, it felt fantastic to catch up with her briefly about that and to also let her know that she should have been the one walking home with the Oscar that night in 2008 for her portrayal of Denzel Washington's mother in the 2007 movie American Gangster. She was so gracious and humble looking at me as though she was so pleased and also a little surprised that I would think so much of her performance. She was as humble then as she was that night during the after show reception for the Ninth Hour's cast. And, as I reflected on the event of some twenty-six years ago, it became even clearer to me why the NNPA award tonight had her name on it.

 The playwright who she and her husband, Ossie Davis traveled to Detroit, taking time out of their busy schedules to portray characters in his play, was relatively new, up and coming. He was ecstatic about their involvement and I was thrilled as well, since he was a friend and client. Yet, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis saw something special in his writing and his artistic interpretation of Christ's crucifixion and his last hours on earth. It was also a project sponsored by the church where Barry was a member. "In presenting Dee a Black Press Champion award, Danny Bakewell, chair of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, the Black Press of America, said she was chosen to be honored ''not because she's an actress and a writer and a producer that we honor her. It's because she's an incredible human being. She is one who stands as a model for all of us as a mother, as a wife and as somebody, who in spite of all of her achievements, never left her community.''(more...) No truer words were ever spoken. I can attest to that from life experience. God bless you Ruby Dee and NNPA for honoring you. Thank you for taking the time to chat with me and share your favorite scripture.

 Again, you deserved that Oscar... But, God had something bigger and better for you. Peace and blessings, Cynthia

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