Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cynthia Wilson Speaks...: Michael Jackson's Final Show

Photo Source-posted by a fan on Michael Jackson's official site

As momentum builds around Michael Jackson's upcoming release and the world works itself  into a pop icon worthy frenzy, and record and movie tickets soar, "I pray that Michael rests in peace." I also pray that his loved ones have contentment in their hearts knowing that Michael is indeed at peace.

During this time, I would also ask  that you reflect deeply on Michael Jackson's life, artistic contributions and the tragic events surrounding his untimely death. Ask in your hearts what  we can do as a society  and as individuals to prevent such tragedies in the future.Yes. Like many before, Michael is gone too soon... Yet, in the end...despite grief, shock, suspicions and misgivings, it is ultimately God who knows best. What we perceive as untimely is always a bitter pill to swallow. It sometimes takes years of  healing before hurt and disappointment can be released and replaced with trust in a greater plan and higher power.

Continue to pray for Michael and his family. Below is a trailer of the movie "This Is It".

Peace and enjoy the movie trailer. Pass it, the song, your quiet reflections and prayers on and on...

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