Friday, December 1, 2023

The Harvard Hooper, Prince of the Pulpit Dr. Charles Gilchrist Adams Passes Away at 86

Rest in Peace Pastor Adams

Pastor Emeritus of Historic Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, Pastor of Pastors, Spiritual Father to many and my pastor for over a decade, Dr. Adams passed away quietly yesterday surrounded by family and close friends. I met Dr. Adams back in the mid-eighties(1980’s) when I was representing a member of his congregation who was a legal client of mine at the time. She was going through a very rough housing crisis.

 Her home was being foreclosed upon and she and her family were very anxious about being homeless.They needed a certain amount of  money to save their home. The church stepped up to the plate under Dr. Adam’s leadership and the legal issue was resolved. I was impressed as her attorney at his availability and deep concern about her situation. He was always readily accessible to meet with us to resolve her problem. I never forgot that. 
Not only that, I eventually some 20 years later became a member of his church after I switched careers from law to full time ministry. Dr. Adams was responsible for opening the doors of Harvard Divinity School to many aspiring pastors locally and around the country. I had the opportunity to attend what was known as the Harvard Divinity School’s Summer Leadership Institute based on Dr. Adam’s recommendation while I was an Assistant Minister at my home church Calvary Baptist. He also wrote a letter of reference for my admission to Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York. He and his son, Rev. Christian Adams, Senior Pastor, later facilitated my ordination as a Reverend under the auspices of the Progressive National Baptist Convention(PNBC). Dr. Charles Adams was also responsible for a number of women being installed as Senior Pastors at well known churches in the Detroit area. His influence and leadership paved the way.

Dr. Adams  was a great leader and always made himself accessible to members of his congregation and others in the community. Affectionately called PA, beloved by many, he will be fondly remembered and greatly missed. Below is a collage I created from church events in which I am pictured with Pastor. Upper left- Pastor Adams and myself at Hartford Baptist Church’s designation as an Historic site by the state of Michigan. Upper Center- Dr. Charles Adams and Rev. Cynthia Wilson at Greater Grace Church awards breakfast as Adams honored by Bishop Charles Ellis III. Upper right- Pastor Charles Adams, Rev. Cynthia Wilson and  First Lady Mrs. Agnes Adams at Dr. Adam’s Museum Exhibit at Charles Wright Museum of African American History. See more below. Lower left-Dr. Charles Adams and Rev. Wilson at Postage Stamp Ceremony for Rosa Parks at Charles Wright Museum of African American History. Lower right Ibid Greater Grace Awards Breakfast.

Peace and blessings,

Rev. Cynthia D. Wilson


"God Did"- The Evolution of Rap Hova Style

 Not since "Holy Grail" Jay's collaboration with Justin Timberlake has such an incisive verse delving into God's 

In this powerhouse collaboration with rap icons, producers and street credited master poets and hip hop spoken word artists such as Dj Khaled, Lil' Wayne, Rick Ross,___ the Hov's 8 minute verse on "God Did" Jay-z surpasses expectations as a veteran rapper keeping up and very much in sync with the spirit of the times in his own singular style of keen street slick and intelligent rap.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Open Reply Letter to Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman, Pastoral Candidate Abyssinian Baptist Church

Photo Courtesy of Cynthia Wilson Circa January 2012-Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday Commemoration at Central United Methodist Church-Detroit, Michigan

 Dear Eboni-

After reading your story, I was moved to share my thoughts on your pastoral selection process at Abyssinian and not with just a superficial like or a canned response containing formulaic expressions of “me too” and sympathy. I would also like to take this opportunity and extend an invitation for you to join me on a  special podcast episode about your experience in the near future. 

 I too am going through a pastoral selection process. But my journey has been somewhat different than yours, virtual to an extent, and under the radar due to unforeseen external factors that complicated the process. However, I remain fully interested in serving there officially as a pastor in a manner that God fully approves as worthy of this calling.  I have served the church faithfully now for nearly 12 years.

It is deeply concerning and very disheartening what is happening to you at Abyssinian, such a great and storied church.  Dr. Butts’ legacy is legendary. He still ranks at the top of the list of New York’s spiritual leaders. Many sought his wise counsel, fundraising and political savvy when he was alive. He put so much into the church and his surrounding community. He was well revered and honored for his remarkable work not only as a religious leader but as a community leader as well. For God’s sake, he was a Union alum. So are you. So am I for that matter. You,too,are a product of spiritual nurture and development you received for many years in Abyssinian’s church environment. Butts was a distinguished alum and his input in the Union community was highly regarded at Union a  revered seminary that has distinguished itself globally for decades as a beacon of progressive spiritual leadership, thinking and social change.

I would like to say I’m shocked. But, unfortunately I can not because how I have witnessed similar scenarios play out in other churches in the past. Pastors are not always in a position to block or mold the consequential unchristian behavior of their members, or veer the politics of church leaders such as the Diaconate, trustees or auxiliary leaders into the shape they would rather it be without sometimes risking their positions. It is often a tightrope they have to walk and do so very carefully. Because they may lose support or even on a more drastic level, get voted out. It is unfortunate but a reality that is sometimes the case in many of our churches,manifesting in the “brick and mortar” buildings that are the physical symbols and structures that physically contain of our faith practices. 

Christian values must also be spread among us, nurtured and grown within the non-physical or spiritual aspect of our faith as the “body of Christ”, among Christian believers, our church community. The pastors biggest challenge is to serve as a model, a leader, inspirer and nurturer of Christ love, compassion, benevolence and social justice during good times as well as during periods in the church when all hell breaks loose. His spiritual influence will reflect in the congregation as he consistently,prayerfully and faithfully goes through the process of making sure all of the flock is treated fairly and justly within the precepts of Christianity, applying the written, living and spoken word of God. 

The anointing God may have placed on you along with your call to be installed as pastor may be profoundly tested. But prayerfully will remain even if you are faced with a very sensitive scenario where your candidacy poses a threat,  either subconsciously or consciously to the power drive or power agenda of church leadership. You may even have to contend with other more popular or favored applicants who have been members of the church for a long while and strongly feel,they should based on their seniority or years of service,be selected over you, regardless of your impeccable credentials and life experience. There may be other hidden factors that could throw a monkey wrench in the process as well. Politics,politics, politics… 

But, God. God can turn it around in your favor,though, through prayer and supplication, as well as a supportive and motivated congregation vying for you as its choice, inspired and guided by the manifestation of God’s favor and glory. In most Baptist church constitutions, the documents which sets forth the rules of conduct and procedure, the Congregation is regarded as the head of the church and has the final say on who is elected and installed as Pastor with independent input of the personnel committee.

However, of course, whatever is God’s will shall ultimately prevail. God can disperse those demons and underhanded tactics and set his children free!Thus sayeth the Lord! (Ezekiel 11:5) I believe that. You must believe that. Besides, I feel that often the drive to obtain high positions in the church have more to do with satisfying ego desires and obtaining superficialities of prestige and humanly perceived power than with truly being called, sincerely serving the church and worshipping God in spirit and in truth.  What would Jesus do? There were no big fancy church buildings in his day. No boards, personnel committees, only his disciples and followers. He did most of his preaching outdoors, traveling barefoot on dirt roads teaching, healing and raising the dead. I’m sure what he wore, his fashion sense was of little concern either.

I experienced a similar kind of bias situation that you are presently facing. My challenge involved ordination at a church I had been a member of for nearly 12 years. But I did not challenge it in the way I think I maybe should have at the time. I feel this even more strongly now that I have read your very powerfully informative post. Truth is it has served as a catalyst for finalizing the healing or, if you will , cauterizing of hidden wounds. I pray it has done the same for other women as well who may have been silenced from openly speaking their truth. I think I lost a lot of credibility as a result of not speaking out. Other women, as well as the pastor, could have benefitted from my reveal. Some members of the congregation were upset about what happened and I think some of my stalwart supporters were traumatized as well. But I did not want to cloud the churches reputation or seek revenge. 

It was a very sensitive situation requiring much prayer and counsel. I put it in God’s hands, the wonderful and mighty counselor. God’s vengeance is the best. Because it is not revenge. It is true and fair justice based on godly principles. God has worked it out while we are often trying to figure it out. Besides, my healing process was completed and godly justice obtained when I was eventually ordained by Dr. Charles G. Adams distinguished Pastor Emeritus at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and Rev. Christian Adams his son, currently serving as Senior Pastor.

Despite how others were urging me on to be more visible and go public about what had happened at my previous church, Calvary Baptist, I remained in prayer. Often quietly and privately, deeply wounded from the rejection. Some thought I was being too laid back. Sometimes I agreed and thought I should save face by taking a more aggressive stance. But I ultimately dropped pursuit of ordination there after constant prayer and weighing everything. After all, Calvary’s pastor was the first in the history of the church to install women deacons and even train female members  to become assistant ministers or ministerial licentiates. I was in the first all female minister’s training class at the church. So, he had a pretty good track record of elevating women to leadership positions in the church. I had even been appointed by Rev. Lawrence Foster to co-lead a number of very successful church projects with his support and guidance including Chair of the Trustee Board, President of the Calvary Development Fund, Co-Chair of Rosa Parks Interfaith Services Imani Day and Co-Chair and co-producer of the Living Stones Program where we honored local icons including Rosa Parks, Dr. Charles Wright, Don Barden, Erma Henderson and Sunnie Wilson.

Sometimes and maybe most times in certain situations, depending upon how progressive in their thinking they are, the men and even the women of the church who feel that women are not capable of pastoring or becoming spiritual leaders of the church-have to be reminded of who Jesus is. They need to have their recollections refreshed about what Christ stood for, what he actually did, what he does, how his spirit the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, he sent with the promise to never leave us alone. That spirit continues to abide within us and God provides the Holy Spirit to answer our prayers when we call on him to intercede when we are faced with daily challenges of life or going through severe trials and tribulations. They need to know the kind of people Jesus surrounded himself with during his ministry when he was living here physically on Earth. Women such as Mary Magdalene, Martha and others played an important role in the early church. His most faithful followers were women. Women were also the first to reach his tomb and prepare his body for burial with the application of herbs and other rituals customary during that time. So, where is all this sexism and gender bias coming from?

I am sure you already know, even before Jesus’ time women have played significant roles and have contributed profoundly to religious history. Women like Sarah, Rahab, Tamar, Rebekah,Esther, Ruth,Naomi,etc., Even though they have been historically minimized as far as the volume of writings about them in the Bible, both women and men preachers are including them in their sermons more today. So the true question in reality as far as these men and maybe even women, murmuring in the background, who don’t want a female Pastor is “Do they really aspire to be true Christians and upholders of the faith?”Or do they choose to be preoccupied with the perpetuation of sexual stereotypes designed intentionally or often by way of impact, to keep women in their so-called place, encaged and contained by falsehoods and untruths concerning their abilities. While men who perceive them as threats, remain engaged in lower level debate, often under the radar and deep in their psyches, about which sex is the better one, the greatest, baddest and mightiest to serve our churches?” And, in some instances—while this has never happened to me in the church—women may be reduced to the role of mere sex objects, perceived only as persons to fulfill sexual desires and fantasies. Yes. I know, hypocritical, disgraceful—cold, cruel, but from time to time, we hear of it, and it is has in some cases been proven as true. Worshipping God, Jesus and prayer is sadly low on the misguided actor’s priority list.

Getting back to my experience , I did think often about the years that went by that I could not successfully apply to a Pastor position because I was not ordained. And, how to some degree the delay or unexplained forestalling of my ordination might have played some part in my unemployment and failure to be timely installed as a Pastor. But I had to think beyond that and know that if I am doing the work of God, I already have a job. But it is hard to justify that as a practical matter to people who may rely on you for financial support. Even though I received my degree from Union in 2006 but was not ordained until 2012, 6 years after I officially received my degree, a degree I was told I had to achieve before I could be ordained. 

I went off to seminary with that expectation fully in mind I.e., to receive my ordination ceremony when I returned from school, as promised. I  needed the ordination to even be considered a qualified applicant. That is the first question any hiring denomination will ask you.  Even if you are not Baptist. I came across this issue while I was working in the Presbyterian church as well as the Baptist. I still continued to work in the church and other churches helping out, preaching and otherwise what I could, to be in alignment with God’s purpose for my life.

 I preached regularly as a pulpit supply minister and had engagements preaching during Sunday morning worship services as well as on special occasions  such as Women’s Day. I applied for pastor positions at some of these Presbyterian churches but the fact that I was not ordained was an issue.

 I had my heart set on being ordained at my beloved home church at the time. Faced with this challenge, I turned to God for prayer, asking God to show me what he was trying to tell me in that denial, and where he truly wanted me to be placed. I harbored no resentment, sticking to the mantras “when one door closes another one opens”, “if God is for you, who can be against you?” I remained in contact with my pastor and my church friends, attended worship services on occasion and special church events. I remained in prayer about this for years and finally god opened up a door at Hartford Memorial Baptist. The Pastor there, Dr. Charles G. Adams, who had also been my pastor’s pastor had been responsible for opening up the doors of local churches to female pastors for years and his son, presiding pastor Rev. Christian Adams, also a Union alum, facilitated the process and participated in my full ordination as a Baptist minister without any further delay.

Eboni,  you set forth and summed up your grievance in what is obviously at first blush “black church culture” gender bias. I think Dr. James Cone Black Liberation Theologian would have a field day on this issue. Black on Black Oppression in the Black Church. Renowned Womanist theologian and Social Ethicist, Dr. Emile Townes is sure to have something very significant to say about this as well from the standpoint of both gender bias and social ethics. 

But, quite honestly, I think in some cases it has very little to do with “gender bias” per se. 

I know it may seem a bit far and off of the path. However, the key to understanding human behavior can sometimes be explained in the oddest aspects of psychoanalysis and psychology. There are a lot of psychologically wounded people in and outside of the church that need psychiatric treatment and counseling along with prayer and worship. A good deal of it goes unaddressed and left to foment under the radar. Healing of the psyche, what often drives hurtful,aberrant and  disturbing behavior can be worked through and understood there. We need more access to mental health services like psychotherapy and behavioral services in the church. Especially where healing deep emotional trauma is concerned. 

Those sitting on the personnel committee men and women leaders of the church seemingly unfairly ganged up on you behind the scenes in an effort to block you from reaching your goal in what appears to be outside of the knowledge and authority of the congregation or fair evaluation of your qualifications by the entire personnel committee I.e., attempting to make back room deals, power plays, despite your  calling, anointing and educational qualifications. That is not only unbecoming Christian behavior, but also the kind that is not acceptable in the regular workplace. It is discrimination, whether based on sex, race, sexual orientation or age.  It should not be tolerated, neither in the corporate business community nor in a church that should have a transparent personnel selection and pastoral search process in place.The church should be guided by the scripture, “…where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”, (2 Corinthians 3:17) that includes fundamental Christian tenets of fairness and decency as well as legal requirements of procedural and substantive due process guaranteed under the US Constitution.

In summary, quite frankly I just presumed when I first heard about the search that you would be favored and ultimately granted the Senior Pastor position at Abyssinian. I did not give it a second thought. It seemed to me like you were heir apparent—a no brainer. Based upon your outstanding educational qualifications, your professorship at Duke and now Yale, in addition to being a daughter of historic and legendary Abyssinian Baptist church of Harlem, that you would be installed as pastor there to succeed the late great Dr.  Calvin Butts without any deliberate delays forestalling a fair and open process. To use an often coined phrase, I thought you were a definite “shoe-in”. 

By the way, while I am obviously sympathetic to your situation, I think you will definitely land on your feet with stiletto red bottoms in tow. (😉 I couldn’t resist after seeing that mean collection of shoes you had lined up hanging from your closet door a few years ago on an IG post.)

Even if this does not work out for you, and I’m using this phrase in a positive sense, any further delays or denial here, may indeed be a blessing in disguise. God’s delay is not necessarily God’s denial. In other words, the world appears still to be your oyster. Yeah, I know, it is very prestigious. After all we are talking about the historic Abyssinian Baptist church of Harlem…quite a feather in one’s cap. No doubt. No denying that at all.

I hope you get the job. You are definitely well qualified to serve as Senior Pastor and from my observations remarkably well suited for the challenge.

Very truly yours,

Rev. Cynthia Wilson, 

Pastoral Candidate

P.S. This letter in view of its length, will also be available as a podcast episode and a pamphlet. A percentage of proceeds from the sale of these materials, audio CDs of podcasts and printed pamphlets will be divided proportionately between Cynthia Wilson Art, Media & Graphics, designated ministries and participating churches’ social justice/gender bias/ free speech, etc. educational programs and teachers.

 Link to my podcast Cynthia Wilson Speaks here.

Mariah Carey Bringing Christmas Show to Detroit

 It was recently announced that Mariah Carey will bring her Christmas Musical to Motown’s Little Caesar’s Arena.

If you watched her television special last year then you know that Mariah, dubbed the Christmas Queen because of her consistently chart topping smash hit record “All I Want for Christmas is You”, takes celebration of the holiday to an extraordinary extent

Check out an interview of Carey about the song at the Wall Street Journal’s —The Journal. a podcast on money, power and business that was conducted in December 2020. The song itself has generated millions.

Looking forward to the show…

Biden Overcomes Student Loan Crisis


The president successfully overcame the student loan conundrum that resulted from the Supreme Court’s earlier decision this year striking down his prior Executive Order which  granted $20,000 dollars of loan forgiveness to eligible student borrowers.

Cynthia Wilson, Editor


Podcast links

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Come Together Congress and Prevent a Shutdown

 Here we go again! It seems like every time the legislature is faced with pressing financial issues like balancing the budget and keeping crucial services supported by taxpayer dollars available and running like a well-oiled machine, there is ultimately some delay. Differences of opinion and political convictions are expected and understandable when debate is in progress. However, inabilities little to reach reasonable compromise when smooth government function is at stake is another matter. Democrats and Republicans must come together and solve this shutdown very soon. The deadline is 12 midnite tonight.

The following is an excerpt from an article written ten years ago on October 1, 2013 when a government shut down was threatened during the Obama administration. It was successfully averted.

“It’s after midnight, an hour and a half past, to be exact. I am filled with deep disappointment and disgust about the behavior of some members of our Republican Congress and the

poor example they are setting for future leaders, our country in general and world allies, many of whom must be gaping in disbelief, if not quietly embarrassed. Of course, they would never openly express this to the US. Then there are probably those—our enemies—who may undoubtedly be quietly thrilled if not amused to learn of the superpower’s dysfunction and inability to prevent their own government from shutting down. The question which keeps reverberating through my mind is, “what could these elected representatives be thinking and why could they not find a more reasonable and constructive way of resolving the matter? Why this constant display of brinksmanship and political derring-do?”

I am joining with Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia in praying for a resolution to this crisis. There are many people’s sources of monthly income at stake, funding of crucial government programs that will come to a halt and services that will shut down. Yes. My prayers are with our country, our Congress and specific requests for a fair and reasonable solution to this matter.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Congressional Black Caucus 52 nd Annual Legislative Conference

There is much to look forward to at this year’s Annual Legislative Conference. All roads lead to our nation’s capital where we can make an impact on social matters that impact our communities, weigh in on important cultural developments while making our voices strategically heard on significant political issues. Stay tuned for coverage, weigh-ins and opinions via video and podcast.

Cynthia Wilson

Biden Addresses United Nations General Assembly

 President Biden calls on world leaders to support Ukraine and promote peace as he denounces Russia for its violence and inhumane tactics.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Old School, New School Hip Hop Merge as One as Busta Rhymes, Patti LaBelle Bring Down the House at BET Awards

There was no mistaking that Hip Hop honor reigned at this years BET  AWARDS in celebration of the phenomenally popular genre’s 50th year. It was quite a show as hip hop dance moves provided the flavor and backdrop for classic hip hop tunes as well as new rap artists street beats routines. Many of  the new songs stand on the shoulders and are drawn from the legacies of some of the icons who performed on stage last night, including Lifetime Achievement Awardee veteran rapper Busta Rhymes. Rhymes who was enthusiastically received by the crowd and given kudos by some of his stellar friends and fans before receiving his award,including Mariah Carey, Swiss Beats, Janet Jackson.?Busta gave a powerfully memorable acceptance speech followed later in the show by an amazingly energetic performance and tribute. In his speech he gave advice to new artists by sharing the story about his motivation to feed his son. He also gave recognition to recording executive Sylvia Rhône, manager Mona Carter and others in the music business who helped him along the way, making it possible for him to be where he is today.

BET production crew did an outstanding job of merging and ultimately uniting old school Hip Hop icons with some of the remarkable and up and coming young rap artists of today. This was demonstrated throughout the show with performances and cameos by Master P, Ja Rule, MC Lyte, Public Enemy, GrandMaster Flash, etc. I could go on and on. But it definitely seemed like everybody that ever mattered and matters in shaping Hip Hop was in the show in some way, shape, form or fashion.

Check out BET’s amazing recap on You Tube here.

Cynthia Wilson

Monday, June 26, 2023

Cynthia Wilson Updated Contact Information (Updated 3.30.24)


Multi-City Locations/Addresses:

In the Detroit area:

Cynthia Wilson 

1420 Washington Blvd.

Suite 301

Detroit, Michigan 48226


Other Cities TBA soon.

From the Photo Archives-Cynthia Wilson at left pictured in pink Martha’s Vineyard cap sporting VIP Media Access lanyard in the audience with other fans at special benefit music concert to support and heal traumatized Virginia Tech community as they re-start the Fall school term. Circa September 2007. For more about the concert follow this link.

Dear Blog Readers:

Thank you so kindly for making this blog a success. I appreciate your readership over the past 16 years and the Heavier Octaves blog for 19 years.

In order to improve upcoming communication of blog updates to the membership and general public, I have reorganized, switched platforms and now operate under new and improved formats for this and associated blogs via newsletter and podcast. However, I will still be posting to this blog in the meantime to minimize poaching and so that no one perceives this blog as being abandoned.

In the past invitations have been extended for you to subscribe and also to contribute and also become members of an associated entity Chaplain of Pop, which has as its related ministry tasks, prayer, providing spiritual care and support to artists and entertainers in need.In short, I am requesting now that you leave your email address and other valid contact info so I can follow up with you about contributing as a guest on a future podcast episode or to receive or contribute to the latest newsletter. You can also sign up for membership on my website or the “Pray in Place Prayer Group” in the near future. Please bear with me because I have been challenged with internet obstacles as well as health issues.

Updates will also be provided when I can via You Tube, IG and Twitter/X or Threads.  I hope to have future updates provided by a variety of contributors as well. If you are interested in becoming involved in this dynamic ministry of prayer and presence, please indicate so in your email or inbox on Facebook or DM on Instagram. Pray that I receive the messages and they are not blocked or redirected.

Past cultural/non-religious podcast episodes containing reviews of concerts, movies and political commentary will be made available for download at the Internet Archive (working on it). Stay tuned for newsletter updates. (Edited 3.30.24)

Prior inspirational podcast episodes containing religious sermons and inspirational messages can be found at the following link:

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding. It’s been a long time coming together. I’ve had several entities created over the span of 20 years.  Also, many associated emails as well. I’m making an effort to keep things very clear. You can read more about that in an upcoming book one day soon I pray. It has not been a walk in the park by any standard. To borrow a line from Spike Lee’s great movie Malcolm X,  paraphrasing Denzel’s line, I’ve “been hoodwinked, bamboozled and led astray…” on numerous occasions… I have endured in love and prayer though.

Keep me in prayer please.

Please contact me by email at or You may also fill out the email contact form in the right-hand column of this blog. Your message may get through to me sooner if you just send the email directly to either or both of the email addresses above. I’m in the process of verifying the effectiveness of the blog contact menus formatted in the far right-hand column. They may not be working.

Peace and blessings,

Cynthia Wilson, 

Founder & Chief Editor 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Upcoming and Info Update


In celebration of Women’s History Month, stay tuned for the above special podcast series that I especially compiled from the archives. These are sermons that I have preached over the years. One of the resources I used for these sermons in addition to the Bible, of course, was Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler and Jean Syswerda. You will find my special sermons on “Women of the Bible” at the following links on the Spreaker podcast platform:

The Shummanite Woman

A Full Jar-The Zarapeth Widow Connection 

Both the “Syrophenician Woman’s Desparate Plea” and “A Gleaner’s Harvest Delayed is Not a Bountiful Harvest Denied”, are sermons that were recorded and posted on Spreaker but somehow got lost in translation. However, those links are forthcoming either by virtual relay or edits to this blog post. Stay tuned.

I hope you are continuing to enjoy Black History Month. I have taken the time to gather a few recent posts along with some from from the archives for your reading convenience. Just click on the selected links below:

*This post was edited to maintain accuracy by Cynthia D. Wilson, Founder, Principal Poster and Chief Editor of this blog on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. By the way,  I began this blog ‘independently’ in 2007 while I was living in NYC. You can contact me for a CD of any of the above sermons by email or phone. Allow a reasonable time for mailing and delivery. All contact information can be found in the upper right hand column of the extended web version of this blog and on my website’s landing page which is under ongoing construction between and www.

  Important: If you are using a mobile device to view this site, mobile version pages of this blog do not contain the above-referenced contact info. You have to go to the bottom of this blog page and click on VIEW WEB VERSION to bring up the right-hand column of my blog where contact info is contained.

Thank you for visiting the blog.

God bless,

 Cynthia Wilson

Humble Servant of God

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Florida Rapper Flo-Rida Wins $82 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Energy Drink Celsius


Rapper Flo-Rida awarded $82 Million Dollars in endorsement contract dispute with Celsius corporation. Jurors have sent a powerful message and Flo Rida’s attorney has obviously strategized brilliantly for his client. The outcome of the trial, the jury’s verdict awarding such massive damages signals that there was a financial injustice committed and he was taken advantage of by the Celsius Corporation

The bottom line and I have always stressed this point to clients and potential clients in the past, before entering into any business relationship there must be a sound written agreement setting forth clear and specific duties, responsibilities and valuations involved in the transaction. Wishing doesn’t make it so. There is a reason why it’s best for all parties to a contract, especially in these more complex endorsement and promotional deals to get it in writing. Even if it is reduced to writing, as it was in this case, the terms should be clear and understandable.

You should first have a “meeting of the minds”. This simply means that all parties should be on the same page about the range and scope of the agreement. Otherwise, the parties can easily get caught up in ambiguities that provide loopholes for those who are not operating in good faith, so to speak, to sway to their pecuniary advantage. Which appears to be what Celsius did here. Several terms were either left out or unspecified as to quantity and duration. How many drinks and how long? In general, ambiguities and vaguaries in agreements provide a window for finagling a business relationship to one’s advantage or to the other’s disadvantage. You may observe a party creating outright scenarios or concealing situations in which they are as the classic adage goes, “chasing with the fox and running with the hounds”, committing clear yet hidden breaches of trust or deviations from the original intent and terms of the agreement—“conflicts of interest”.

Now that the jury’s award is in and the case concluded at trial, the question becomes whether the attorneys for Defendant Celsius corporation will attempt to file pleadings, in this instance, a remittitur, to have the damage award reduced. Whether it will be used as a bargaining chip to induce a monetary settlement by the Plaintiff at a lower figure remains to be seen. Whichever way the case is ultimately resolved it appears that Flo Rida could use a good money manager and at a $30 Million Net worth according to Wealthy Gorilla he probably already has one.

Flo Rida initially asked for $30,000 dollars in damages. But he ended up getting much more than that. Sometimes God will give you more than you ask for when human wrongs  are corrected by God’s justice. God will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing you won’t have room enough to contain.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Maryland’s First Black Governor Sworn In

 In a pride imbued and sometimes emotionally charged historic ceremony, Wes Moore is sworn in as the state of Maryland’s 63rd and first Black governor. The event took place in Annapolis, the state’s capital  near a site that once served as a slave port. 

The program included an acceptance speech by his South Asian immigrant female running mate, Lieutenant Governor elect Aruna Miller and a special song selection “God Bless America” performed  by HBCU Morgan State University’s choir. Wes Moore is one among three Black governors elected in the nation, including Governor Deval Patrick (2007) Democrat of Massachusetts and L. Douglas Wilder, (1989) Democrat of Virginia. He is the first elected Black Governor of the state of Maryland and one of six black governors to serve in this country as a Governor. Two had already served his state as Lieutenant Governors during the Reconstruction period.

Wes Moore was sworn in with his hand placed atop a Bible once owned by historic freedom fighter and famous SlaveryAbolitionist Frederick Douglas. Frederick Douglass’ historic family home as well as slave ports were also located in Annapolis not too far away from where the newly elected Governor was sworn in, only heightening the spiritual and historic significance of the occasion. The Douglass family home is in a quiet coastal and storied upscale neighborhood on Highland Beach, Annapolis. A stately yet humble abode,  visitors have had the surreal privilege of walking by the house in respectful honor and awe.

Congratulations to Governor Wes Moore and his lovely family, and the voters of Maryland. Your family will now occupy a home where former governors promoted Jim Crow laws and upheld the slave trade. You will also occupy a house that is surrounded in history: a statue of Kunte Kinte,Alex Haley’s character of Roots fame just a few blocks away, a statue of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall among others. In  the words of  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose birthday we celebrated just a few days ago, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Corresponding scripture for today’s post is Amos 5:24-But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Our ancestors-many of the faceless and nameless slaves -traded like chattel in the state of Maryland slave ports centuries ago, as well as civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Mr.Frederick Douglass and Rosa Parks would all be both proud and satisfied with this development. They are smiling from heaven.

Again, congratulations Governor Wes Moore and family. You stand upon the shoulders of greats.

The prayerful and a ‘cloud of witnesses’ will be fervently praying for you, your administration, the people of Maryland and the continued triumph of your leadership. God bless you.


Rev. Cynthia D. Wilson, Blog Founder and Chief Editor

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