Monday, July 30, 2007

Weighing in on Michael Vick:Which Image Will It Be?

Photo Source

Photo of Michael Vick, Atlanta Falcons Star Quarterback who has recently been indicted on "Dog-fighting" charges. (More...)

Photo Source

Rally in support of Vick Sunday,July 29,(More...)

Michael Vick ,while I've never met you I feel in some measure I already know you. You are the "brother" from the neighborhood that everyone was rooting for to make it because of your sports acumen and physical prowess. My brother was a star college and high school football player,so I have first-hand experience on the matter.To some from the hood and in the public housing project where you grew up,getting the opportunity to play professional sports was and still is to a degree,seen as a ticket out of the "land of dead end", leading fast to nowhere productive.

I hope during this very challenging time of upheaval in your personal and professional life,you will take much needed time out to search your soul for the things you truly value in life. I hope that your choice will be those things that are life affirming.

Yes. I know football is not the most non-violent and passive sport. And,there is still a great deal of peer pressure to be and do all things machismo and conform to a certain "necessary roughness" image.However,I am sure there are those of us who would much rather read, hear about and celebrate this aspect of you:

"Michael Dwayne Vick (born June 26, 1980 in Newport News, Virginia) is an American football quarterback for the National Football League's Atlanta Falcons franchise.

Vick rose from a youth living in a public housing project to become a stand-out high school football player, winning a scholarship to attend Virginia Tech. After two years, he cut his collegiate career short, and was the No. 1 pick during the first round of the 2001 NFL draft, joining the Atlanta Falcons. Vick became one of the highest-paid NFL players, as well as earning lucrative commercial product endorsements.

In Virginia and Georgia, he has been involved in charitable activities, especially those which benefit economically-disadvantaged youth such as after-school programs, football camps, and the Boys and Girls Clubs. In 2006, he joined his mother and younger brother, former Miami Dolphins player Marcus Vick, in forming the Vick Foundation."

Not this one:

"On July 17, 2007, Vick and three other men were indicted by a federal grand jury for felony and misdemeanor charges involving a 6-year long interstate dog fighting venture called "Bad Newz Kennels" and tens of thousands of dollars in gambling activities. The operation was based at a 15-acre estate in a rural area of southeastern Virginia which authorities contend was purchased and developed specifically for the criminal enterprise. Even within a controversial and brutal blood sport, the federal allegations detailed exceptionally extreme violence involving execution of losing and under-performing dogs by electrocution, hanging, drowning and shooting, including Vick's direct involvement, drawing extensive negative publicity and expressions of public outrage."

Knowing that your circumstance is complex due to the fact that you are the member of a racial group that is frequently negatively portrayed in the media,I will give you the benefit of the doubt, avoid rushing to judgment-after all that is what our trial system is for- by making any conclusions and just say this.

Your background, demonstrated care and concern for the underprivileged and disadvantaged, is evidence that you can overcome this. But,I think you have some communicating to do with the animal lovers of the world,which includes amends to make with your "dog-loving" public.Maybe offering a sizable charitable donation to a public kennel of their choosing to be earmarked for education and rescue of dogs from "dog-fighting" activities i.e., the humane society, anti-animal cruelty leagues, AR advocates,etc. And, I did say maybe,as money is not everything. If you have any pets and you treat them well,let people know it. In addition,you might volunteer to make Public Service Announcements about animal cruelty as relates to dog fighting. Offering up some community service that would include a stint of public speaking engagements and workshops about the dangers of "dog-fighting" on both the animal and human end might be in order as well.

I remain hopeful that you will find an effective way to calm the disappointment from the league of fans and ordinary people who have looked up to you as a positive role model and hero. It would be helpful to quickly address the outrage from those who have come to perceive you now as brutal and heartless to animals, and in a much broader context, as a result of the negative publicity. Whether true or false,it does not look good. I've noticed that merchandise selling concerns, promoting t-shirts with slogans about your cruelty to animals,touting slogans like "Convict Vick",etc, have already sprung up across the internet to capitalize on this unfortunate situation.

Beginning with a sincere and humble request for forgiveness couldn't hurt. Asking for it under such circumstances does not necessarily imply weakness, guilt or wrong doing.Sometimes people do become guilty by association,especially if events are carried out on their property whether they had knowledge of it or not. Asking for forgiveness,in my view,would signal that you have just come to terms with the "public sentiment" ignited by the situation and want to humbly clear it up by enlisting the support and sympathy of others. If asking for forgiveness is considered too extreme a measure to take at this time,there's always another means of "extending the olive branch..."

Now,if the whole thing has been a set-up and you are no way involved,having been diabolically framed from the beginning,then, of course, another approach should clearly be taken.

There are those,including me, who will be keeping the saddening controversy it has set off, lifted in thought and prayer.

Which image will it be?



Related Articles and Blogs:

200 At Rally Back Vick, Assail Falcons

Vick Has Activists Howling

Vick Co-Defendant Cuts Deal

Heavier Octaves Radio Podcast Links

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend Inspiration July 20-22:Creativessel Inspirations: Remembering My First Love and Offering Some Helpful Advice

Ebenezer Baptist Church Marquis-Atlanta,Georgia

For today's blog,which you can count as the "Weekend Inspiration",I am lifting up an entry I contributed to the Creativessel Inspirations blog site. It discusses how important communication is and how it is crucial to a successful business or personal relationship that we stay in contact with those we love and those who can make a difference. We should also strive to do what we love doing, whether writing, preaching, singing, designing, lawyering, etc.

The idea was inspired and drawn from a sermon preached at the Ebenezer Baptist Church by Pastor Raphael Warnock when I visited there last January 9,2006 during Union Theological Seminary's Poverty Initiative Mission trip to the Gulf coast.The theme of the sermon was how God is a jealous God and how we have to remember him.

Against that backdrop,Rueben Stoddard and recently crowned American Idol, Jordin Sparks sing a Motown Records classic originally performed by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell,"You're All I Need To Get By". The American Idol television performance is sure to remain in your memory rewind collection for a long while, if you take the time to view it.

Below is the link to my original blog posting:

Creativessel Inspirations: Remembering My First Love and Offering Some Helpful Advice

As you listen to the song, from the link provided to the original version at the end of the blog, think of those things and people you love. Here is another link to the song for your convenience.As the streetwise say in the vernacular, "handle your business" and make those connections...

Now,make it happen! I know I'm on it...

And,remember that the love of God working through you and others is really all you need to get by, in the final analysis.



Related blogs: Poverty,Racism and Katrina-First Stop, Atlanta, Georgia

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Live Earth Part II-Seven Point Pledge:Will it Inspire A Shift in Our Spending and Thinking Priorities?

Image Source Global Warming,the Climate Crisis. Call it what you will. It has inspired a "greening" movement across the globe.Is our planet heating up unnaturally? Are overconsumption and senseless waste major contributors to the problem? What can you do to "cool "our planet? Before I continue I want to make it clear that I thought the Concert Event was well organized and that it was wonderful to see so many people come together all across the globe without incident.I also appreciate the effort of Gore's Alliance and his ongoing efforts to fight global warming. However,there are issues and questions which are not addressed by the current pledge.Why not make it user friendly? In our last session I left you with my thoughts that the Live Earth Seven Point Pledge needed tweaking.These are the reasons why. As a "living breathing document" it can be adjusted to meet the changing and complex needs of the people who will be signing it. An openess and receptivity to ongoing review will allow for as many oversights as possible to be addressed. From a practical standpoint,the way to go about it would be to incorporate some issues by reference or to refer to them as implied in the document by stating what makes it implicit and let the clarification serve as an amendment and or modification to the pledge. It is a matter that could be handled electronically. 

All a person would have to do would be to add an electronic/digital addendum to their pledge to make it relevant to any special needs or concerns of their particular community. This would not weaken the pledge,but broaden its range and strengthen the spirit of the document. There are four things I want to make clear. One, there is no way you can have a sound environment or work holistically and organically towards "greening" if you are not intentionally seeking inclusivity of all spectrums of society. That includes whites, blacks, Hispanic, Latinos, LGBT, the poor, homeless, elderly, infirm and disabled. In addition, the current pledge needs to incorporate more specific language that addresses the needs of marginalized communities like New Orlean's Ninth Ward. At least acknowledge that disasters like Katrina and the environmental racism that contributed to rebuilding delays and major preventative renovations on the levees does exist. Secondly, no community should be priced out of the greening market. 

This means ticket prices to global greening events should reflect that fact and lower priced tickets made available. On the day of the concert the cheapest ticket available at the box office was about $100.00. Live Earth event tickets ranged in price from $100.00 to $500.00. Thirdly, there is no mention of the environmental hazards posed by homelessness and the need for education and research on how to include this population into the equation. There should be specific mention or a paragraph of the pledge dedicated to the plight of the homeless community.They, after all are a part of the environment. How can we improve it if they are sleeping out doors in the streets and in subterranean tunnels and communities which really exist below our city streets? Fourthly, how we relate to our neighbors is important. We can't be sound environmentalists engaged in the process of fighting global warming and related environmental threats if we are still bogged down with racism, sexism, classism and other isms that divide us. 

 We must instill positive values and a healthy appreciation for our neighbors plight with a healthy appreciation for justice and fairness, if we are to be true environmentalists. Finally, I'd like to reiterate something I wrote in a blog entitled Mayer and Raitt "Raising Another Kind of Green Consciousness", which speaks to the issue of our attitudes and how spending and thinking priorities have to be changed if we are really going to make this thing work. A relevant excerpt of that blog states: "Well...I agree that cutting down on consumption may aid the cure for global warming if it can change people's spending and thinking priorities.For example,some people think it is in vogue to be wasteful. Afterall,their philosophy in life is usually,"if you got it, flaunt it and then throw it away"...even when it can be recycled into something that would serve a constructive purpose. Some people have the wasteful mentality because of their egos and the fact that they want to be numero uno,at whatever cost, and no matter what regardless of how it impacts the lives of others. Under those conditions can they really be sound environmentalists? I'd definitely give that some thought. It's all about changing spending and "thinking" habits. Think about it. If a person's desire to improve the environment is really motivated by a sincere desire to contribute meaningfully to the world and not just to sell more merchandise,then more power to them. If they are just out for the buck and notoriety...well, I would consider them to be contributing more to the self-serving and wasteful mentality that created the problem in the first place. It's good to see John doing something constructive by way of an attempt to "change people's thinking" with his "Another Kind of Green/Light Green" idea. Positively influencing how people think is what really will make the difference on this and other significant global issues..." My suggestions on how to incorporate inclusive and thought shifting greening approaches into the Pledge document by way of future workshops and other public communication tools will be set forth in tomorrow's final part of this blog series on the Live Earth Pledge. This is a work in progress.To be continued... Peace, Cynthia(Revcoolc) Related Blogs, Podcasts and Videos: Alicia Keys Performing at Live Earth The Live Earth Seven Point Pledge: A Panoramic View For Effective Environmental Action?- Part I(Revised 7.13.07) Mayer and Raitt Raising Another Kind of Green Consciousness Heavier Octaves Radio Podcast- "Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks"- Week In Review- July 1-6,2007 Heavier Octaves Radio Podcast- "Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks "-Reflection for the Day-"Speak Up" Heavier Octaves Radio Podcast-"Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks"-Week in Review- 6/24-7.01.07

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live Earth Part I-The Seven Point Pledge: A Panoramic View For Effective Environmental Action?(Revised 7.13.07)

The Live Earth 7 Point Pledge


  1. To demand that my country join an international treaty within the next 2 years that cuts global warming pollution by 90% in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth;
  2. To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become “carbon neutral;”
  3. To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2;
  4. To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation;
  5. To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal;
  6. To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests; and,
  7. To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for the 21st century.

Today in the afterglow of "Live Earth",I lift up a podcast Reflection dated July 2,2007 which examines the Live Earth Seven Point Pledge.Click here to listen. Today's blog entry is the first in a series of supplements to that.

After careful reflection,I could not help but think that the pledge with all its fine points and high minded principles,still needs further tweaking to develop a fuller or more panoramic view in arriving at truly sustainable solutions to Earth's environmental problems. People from all walks of life have to be included in working out a solution to make it work.

There are still sub-issues of poverty,environmental racism and fair accessibility to resolution of the problem that have not been addressed within the pledge. One of the largest disasters in our country's history--Hurricane Katrina-- was brought on, some scientist speculate, by climate change(more...) as well as the human factors of environmental racism and glaring poverty.People in New Orleans are still reeling from its impact. Some,still can't return home because of the devastation.

That is why this effort in resolving the crisis should be as much of an exercise in participatory democracy as possible. There must be room made at the table for youth,the elderly,the poor and the disenfranchised(Yes. The disenfranchised still exist). Some of the points in the pledge they can not commit to from a practical standpoint because some lack a home to flip a light switch off or the socket from which to change to the use of another brand light bulb.They first need sustainable housing.

It was good that many people who would have otherwise been unable to attend the event were there because they volunteered for the "greening" part of the concert,which I see as a total plus. However, there was still a sector of society that could not experience the concert because they simply could not afford it.Some people just can't afford to "go green". They just don't have the wherewithal.There should be some kind of structure set up to assist those that are marginalized in taking advantage of the opportunities to fully participate in the effort to protect and conserve our environment as well as to be educated about the impact of global warming and other environmental threats. And,If you can't afford to make a sizable donation or pledge to "the cause" where does that leave you? Will your influence still be felt or your favor curried?

The spirit of the times is currently high with music and causes. As most artists shared modern styles and versions of songs of protest,social observation and enlightenment,I thought of the many protest songs of the past and how music has been such a tremendous force for constructive social action for so many years.Music has been used to raise awareness, make cultural and human rights statements during Woodstock,the Civil Rights Movement,the Concert for Bangladesh,Monterey Pop Festival, the Summer of Love,Tsunami Concert of Hope,Katrina Relief,etc.

The concert for Live Earth on Saturday was no different. Perhaps the lyrics by most artists were more subdued than the blaring protest sirens of yesteryear penned by icons such as Dylan,Springsteen,James Brown,Marvin Gaye,Stevie Wonder,Curtis Mayfield, John Lennon,etc. But that result more than likely has to do with the "spirit of the times" than anything else.

Channeling the creative and healing power of music is something that I believe will continue to serve as a catalyst for harmonious community action on the entire spectrum of environmental concerns including global warming.The sets performed by each musician at Live Earth all had their special moments. I can't believe that I actually set through 5 hours of music.From 5:15-10:30,one magnificent act after the other.John Mayer's songs really set the tone for the concert,particularly "Belief" and "waiting On the World to Change". Click here for a link to the play list located in the right profile section of Heavier

I could not help but to think of the "synchronicity" that was taking place. The spirit of cooperation and unity that was being set forth and molded. Although an avid music fan, there is no way I would have under normal circumstances sat through all of the sets,even though I enjoy a broad range of musical genres and many of my playlists reflect that.My initial musical motivation for attending were artists such as John Mayer, Alicia Keys, Kanye West,Ludacris,Akon,the Dave Matthews Band and a few others.I never even felt that "Smashing Pumpkins" would have been the kind of music that I would be exposing my auditory canals to on an extended basis.But this past Saturday,I surprisingly found myself enjoying their music as well as other bands providing further proof that the spirit was indeed high,alive and ripe with positive expectancy.

I would like to find myself in the future once the afterglow of the unifying musical vibrations from this concert event have settled, grooving and jamming the same way towards a workable solution. It is so vital to the outcome of this, that the community and its leaders be sincerely engaged and working with others from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds in arriving at solutions that are inclusive of all interests. The diversity and sheer number of artists that came together on one day at a set time, date and place was an illustration of the unity we can achieve in the broader community in alleviating the climate change crisis in our neighborhoods,local communities and globally.It was tremendously inspiring.

Live Earth was a wonderful beginning on a journey whose destination is within reach.The 7 Point Pledge is a document that should take on a "living,breathing" context,as any other document used as an instrument of galvanizing,motivating,defining,directing and molding constructive social action.

I think it will work. The engine has been ignited and propels forward with the fuel of positive energy and good will that has been generated by the music and leadership. While I think its safe to say that we can rely on the "spirit generated so far" in guiding us towards the ultimate goal, there is still some traveling and "tweaking" to do yet.

To be Continued...



Related Blogs:

Week In Review and Daily Reflection Poverty,Racism and Katrina-First Stop, Atlanta, Georgia

Protest Songs:Sing Up!


Global Warming Notes Inspired by John Mayer DECLARE Energy Independence on October 19th, 2004 (click here for further details)

Friday, July 6, 2007


Photo Source

With the monumental event "Live Earth" rapidly approaching...tomorrow,July 7 at Giant's stadium and other venues across the globe,including London,Tokyo,Shanghai,Johannesburg,
Hamburg,Sydney and Rio,I thought this blog entry I posted over a year ago on MySpace would be very appropriate.

Connecting with people is what its all about anyway. Yes. Connecting,coming together with others for the good of the globe is really the ultimate "greening vibe" and I feel the positive energy of "linking up" and "hooking up" with others setting the tone and representing the spirit of the event. That's a wonderful thing.

The more inhabitants of planet earth can appreciate and respect each others true value and worth in this "global warming" challenge we all face, the better we can care for our planet... in the same spirit and manner. After all we hold the future of generations to come in our hands by the actions we now take.

With that said,I'd like to dedicate this blog entry,emphasizing the paragrah with bold print, to all the "Global Warming" heroes out there,sung and unsung alike.

And, of course,kudos to Gore,the visionary and Wall,the producer and their staff.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the concert whether you are a headlining musician,an organizer,a visionary,a producer,a "greening" volunteer or a member of the media.

Check out my "Week in Review" and "Reflection for Today" in the GCast widget in the upper right hand column. You can find Heavier Octaves PSA's,videos and links to podcasts at



The following was reprinted from MySpace blog -Thursday, March 30, 2006


Connecting with people is a special thing. I'd like to be able to call you up, call upon you and you have the ability to recognize my voice immediately without the aid of caller ID or feeble introductory remarks. However, I need your number literally and figuratively in order to be able to do that. I might have had it or have it filed away somewhere. But I don't want to call you up and you get pissed off because I'm calling a number you didn't give me. Or, because you don't feel comfortable talking with me over the phone since we don't have relationship--no established track record of relating to one another. No history. Get it? You see my face or hear my voice in a crowded room and you don't know me from Adam or Eve. I'm sure that has actually happened to some on occasion.

Attention span is at such a premium these days .There's no substitute for putting in real quality time with people and developing genuine relationship over a period of time. If you can't do the time, then don't expect a good and lasting friendship. It takes years of care,trust building and demonstrated concern to qualify as "friend." Sometimes doing the outlandish, which I've been known to do, to communicate a point can get lost in the translation without accurate interpretation.While I believe in the possibility of the miracle of "love at first sight" and the effectiveness of the "quick fix" internet contact, there is just no substitute for years spent in conversation and dialogue with a person, helping them out of jams, attending concerts and movies together,sharing jokes,etc.

Yes. Building up the formidable "relationship" track record has its benefits. For one,it makes it easier for the person to get your cue.We get our most compelling experiences with that relating to family. Fights with siblings over mistaken tooth brush use or a favorite take out eaten up that was left over in the fridge and gone missing in the morning... are the stock from which lasting relationships based on sometimes embarrassing, but decipherable nuanced conversations are made."Excuse my French!"

Even better yet, can you imagine the kind of place the world would be, if people really started genuinely reaching out to one another in a real quality fashion? Seriously, if every person in the world were sitting down at their computer right now or on their telephone key pads trying to make contact in some profound and meaningful way with another person in the world, the shooting and other obnoxious forms of mayhem would stop at such an alarming rate that it would cause immediate shock to the global environment. Yes. The climate pattern shifts behind the current global warming crisis would likely permanently reverse their trends as well. Name dropping and other scandalous attempts at trying to be in the loop with someone would probably cease. It would completely eliminate the need for such escapades, because you'd have that person right there on the phone or IM. Do you think I'm being a bit unrealistic or over the top? Well, probably...yet, just give it some thought.

If you have years of good memories spent with someone, through the thick and thins of life, you've got a friend in deed. The kind of quality found in friendship that's built over the years shooting marbles, skateboarding, collecting ants, dirt biking, playing with dolls, working out together in the gym is to be treasured. Having lunch and dinner together, sharing stories, attending class together and other real time experiences just don't seem to count as much as they once did. But,that's really where its at eventually.

In today's cyber age time spent with others on message boards, in chat rooms and IMing count just as much. Even though it may be quite a difference in the style and form of relationship, it still is relating...just by modern standards.

While I love being able to communicate with so many people instantaneously, which is what internet communication affords, there is still no substitute for invested physical touch and interaction.

I love sitting around with friends, either shooting the breeze or chewing the fat, giving each other skin when extending a hand, giving high fives i.e., the slapping on the palm kind that used to follow the phrase "Give me five". I also love cuddly bear hugs and hearing someone's breath in my ear during the pauses in our phone conversations. If you can give me that kind of hug or the breathy telephone pause, you're very likely to end up being a very good friend of mine. That is, if everything else checks out and measures up okay over the years.

Yes, my friends. Call me, blog me, email me, friend me up, comment me, IM me, write me, parody me, satirize me and delay me...

I'm always happy to hear from you. I prefer direct flights. But, in a pinch I'll take a connecting one.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So, What About the Streaming Wars...You Ask Me?

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The current battle raging between the recording industry and internet radio broadcasters seems to be heating up.I've been following developments all along,having once maintained a stream on a major internet radio stream server. I've received and reviewed most,if not all of the emails they've sent out to their customer base, including one --I'm still on the email list--concerning D-Day of recent past where broadcasters claimed a day of silence in protest of the looming increase in royalties which go into effect on July 15,2007.

Today, I stumbled upon some interesting articles summarizing developments in that area.

As an internet stream radio host and enthusiastic proponent of internet radio,I wonder how long it will take for independent internet radio streams to be completely wiped out by what appears to be efforts of larger corporate interests to contain their streams, and indirectly benefit therefrom? While implementation of the policy appears inevitable, my most pressing question is:

What should small internet streamers that were finally starting to "get a taste" of revenue opportunities flowing from internet radio do now in the wake of this new regulation?

The RIAA continues to go about what appears to be a very aggressive agenda to control and keep "revenue streams" from various sources favorably disposed and routed in their direction.

I will weigh in on this topic and others in my "Week in Review" podcast,which is issued every Friday.

In the meantime,enjoy the linked blog articles and find out how you can save internet radio,if that is your wish.



Recommended Reading:

Internet radio compromise on the way?

Congress Urges Peace Talks in Net Radio Conflict

Royalty Hike Could Mute Internet Radio

Royalty Wars:To Stream or Not to Stream?

Suggested Links:

Save Net Radio


Orbit Cast-All Things Satellite Radio

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week in Review and Daily Reflection

Live Earth, Saturday,July 7- Venue-Giants Stadium
Photo Source
Artists performing include John Mayer,Alicia Keys,
Kanye West,Sheryl Crow,Akon,Ludacris

Hi Friends:

I hope all the "green" and "not so green" folks are gearing up for Saturday's Live Earth Concerts for a Climate in Crisis event. The local concert venue is Giants Stadium in New Jersey. For more info about artists performing there on Saturday and how to get to Giants click here.

For my "Reflection for Today" which includes observations on the Live Earth 7 Point Pledge released by Al Gore and Kevin Wall last Thursday click on that post on my GCast in the far right column above.

Today you not only receive the "Week in Review",which is a summary of important developments last week,but my "Reflection for Today" as well. Call it "Daily Inspiration Meets Word Economy". I've decided to change the format just a bit and lighten the load,so to speak. We all have busy days and schedules with information buzzing in from every medium and angle. And,if not,we're certainly working on it.

I want to be short ,sweet and to the point. That way,you'll be happy to see me coming... I'll still try and sneak a sermon in every now and then.

From henceforth and now on,I will be sending out short daily audios called "Reflections for Today". There will be no more "Daily Inspirations",though I hope you will still be inspired by what you do receive.I will send out a "Weekend Inspiration" every Friday,which will include the "Week in Review" audio summary.

If you stay posted to this blog and the Heavier Octaves blog,you'll
be pretty much up to date anyway. Just subscribe to either or both on the links provided and you'll receive updates automatically. You may also go to the Heavier Octaves Radio site and receive podcast updates as well by clicking on the audio link. And,of course you can add my Gcast to your website by copying in the html code.Just follow the instructions provided on the "Subscribe Free" and "Add to my page" links.Find the GCast widget in the upper right hand column of this page.

I'm still working on the Gospel,Lobluja(Love, blues and jazz) and High Notes playlists. It's still pretty much just me working in all departments(smile). Hope to have them available for your listening pleasure in the near future. In the meantime,feel free to travel over to my Ilike or MySpace page and check out the music of musicians in my Friends List.

Remember,"it takes the entire village to build community".



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