Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Word has it the art of letter writing has gone somewhat missing in the wake of the text and email boom.

In our society it is important to write. You need to write lists,notes to yourself, thank you notes to people who've done you a good service,term papers for school,books to sell,your inner most feelings to loved ones and so on and so forth. So many of us,myself included,get so used to the ease and communication of digital and electronic formats, we often don't take the time to sit down,reflect and write a needed letter. Go ahead take the time out. Write!

Silver Lining Playbook: A Lighter Side of Mental Illness

This movie which is adapted from a book by author Matthew Quick was a critically acclaimed debut novel by Matthew Quick. The movie kept my attention from beginning to end. There were certain scenes which were particularly resonant including thescene where Tiffany and Pat are at the table flash discussing the prescription meds they are both famiar with by experience, the ranting Pat who screams to the top of his lungs as he storms through his sleeping parents bedroom searching for a mislaid novel.

For two hours, the near length of Silver Linings Playbook, what one might usually charaterize as crazy behavior seems comfortably sane,if not familiar and weaves the fabric of the silver lining PAT is on a quest to find in his movie of a life. His friend Tiffany stunninglyportrayed by Jennifer Lawrence gives him a run for his money with all her quirks and eccentricities. It is her feistiness which shinrs through most of all and ultimately contributes significantly to his healing whilr winning his heart at the same time. Solid performances by Robert Deniro,Chris Tucker and a well written script.

4 out of 4 stars.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Cheering Obama On" -An Upcoming Book Excerpt

Edit-publication date is wrong.

This post begins a series of brief excerpts from a book I have,for all intents and purposes,written about the President as viewed through the lens of an enthusiastic supporter and spiritual cheerleader of sorts. I consider it tremendously fortuitous to have witnessed the inauguration of this country's first African American President in my lifetime. I even served as a volunteer on the Presidential Inaugural Committee when as fate would have it,I wound up once again living in our nation's capital just around the time of the historic election and inauguration.

 So, even though some may be expecting a great intellectual,political and theological treatise on such a monumental topic, I just kept it simple and have compiled all of my retorts to news stories,spins and what some have characterized as minor or major scandals, reducing  them to writing in the form of this humble book.

This is a chapter entitled " Morehouse Men"

I was listening to President Obama's commencement address to Morehouse college given last Sunday,May 19, 2013. It was so real, so inspiring. I like the fact that he talked to them and not over them like numerous public officials do to the point of  projecting stodginess and prioritizing decorum over truth that keeps it real. With all the stresses and chaos involved in being President, particularly in light of recent events, it became clearer during that speech what he is truly made of, a quality which exudes from the Obama core. His quality of being 'present', down to earth and in the moment. And, he was the perfect one to give the address whether as a brother who made extraordinarily good or as first African American Commander in Chief.

With all the stonewalling, dilatory tactics and filibusters he has experienced in office since the inception of  politics in Washington, he still has time to talk to youth our future.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Peace Be Still As You Go Placidly Amid...God Grant Me the Serenity

With all the alarming events experienced as a nation lately i.e., the gun control debate,the random and non-random shootings which have left hearts heavy and weary, it is during such times that it is hard to find words which can bring comfort and peace. Parents ,communities,lawmakers,religious leaders from diverse faiths are attempting to find answers and solutions. Through it all we each seek ways to cope. It is a daily challenge of our faith to keep our heads cool,emotions in check, anger and outrage at bay with so much going on about us. We all have our challenges. Some perhaps in more degrees and intensity than others.

 That's where reliance on God's word to provide guidance and comfort comes in. One of the scriptures which comes to mind and evokes calm and serenity in a sea of chaos is one which still mystifies many Christians. Yet it provides solace in helping us to get through the most unsettling storms even those artificially created.  Mark 4:39(KJV):

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

In conjunction with Max Ehrmann's now classic poem the Desiderata and the Serenity Prayer, two of my favorites,  makes for a harmonious contemplative prayer and meditation.

Famous theologian Rheinhold Neibur  created what is  now called the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the courage  to
Accept the things I cannot change
And the wisdom to know the difference

A familiar excerpt from the poem which we all can identify with in some way is

"Go placidly amidst...
You are a child of the universe,
No less than the trees and the stars
You have a right to be here
And whether or not it appears to you
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should..."

Peace be still... That James Cleveland's gospel song on the subject is spinning through my mind.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Photo Source IMBd

Affleck's direction and combined acting was exquisite. He pulled it off well.  His character came across as understated yet skillful and confident, as it should have been. Affleck nailed it as an unassuming intelligence officer who threw his weight around with subltety and engaging sensitivity. It could be likened to an airliner having reached cruising altitude after terribly rocky turbulence. You feel the heaviness and bulk of the plane only when it's negotiating a crisis in flight. The build up throughout the film was well paced and the scene contiguity in harmony with the exceptional ensemble acting deserves recognition by peers and public. The details were notable,and, because of it, were paid attention from the brief history lesson at the movies intro to enraged Iranians putting the pieces of shredded documents and photographs back together during the height of the tension of the hostage rescue from the Canadian Ambassadors home. President Carter's brief explanatory monologue as well as the updates on all the hostages during the running of the credits at the film's conclusion was paced well.  All, examples of painstakingly good editing. That segue into his monologue from the frightening stall and questioning at the airport just before boarding up to the  climactic airplane take off seemed well placed, wholistic and a significant part of the movie--not just credit fringe typical of credit runs at the end of a film. Provided a solid review on the power and enduring nature of international cooperation and what can be accomplished when nations work together. Pure Zen--the manner in which it is made reference to in the cultural breakthrough novel of 1974, "Pure Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"* by Robert Pirsig. As in you just know quality when you see it. The movie gets a four out of four star rating from me.

Hope you enjoyed it!



*Robert Pirsig made a number of quotes regarding quality which was a topic running through philosophical discussions throughout the book,which really had nothing much to do with Zen Buddhism from a religious context. One such quote What I mean (and everybody else means) by the word ‘quality’ cannot be broken down into subjects and predicates. This is not because Quality is so mysterious but because Quality is so simple, immediate and direct.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Need for Gun Control

Blacks, women and other suspect classes have faced more than their share of gun violence,threats and lntimidation in the fight for social justice. Mowing down innocent children is as unconscionable as it gets, just nauseating. The use of military scale weapons increases the sense of outrage and presents an urgency to clamor for organized citizen involvement on a scale of the civil rights movement. The heinous nature of the shootings should not incite leaders to increase arms in the public schools as the only workable solution. Communities,elected officials,law enforcement, the military and responsible NRA members have to come together and stop this with everything they have. Background checks and decreased availability of such weapons is a good start. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flight: Very Much Worth Watching ""Whip's" Sober and Free

If you have not already seen this movie, it is definitely worth a trip to the theater. I found it rich in texture as far as the storytelling goes. Denzel's character Whip Whittaker,demonstrates magician like dexterity in bringing a nose-diving jet liner with in excess of 200 passengers on board to a skillful but turbulent landing with more lives saved than lost. Landing in an open field ironically adjacent to a church with a steeple which is torn off in part during the topsy-turvy landing,literally. However, it is later discovered that his blood alcohol levels were well above legal limits. Despite his celebrated heroism for the feat that fact alone if exposed to the public could considerably alter the public's opinion of his piloting skills and also subject him to years in prison for criminally negligent homicide, ending his career as a passenger pilot. It is this complex play of issues brought to life by solid acting which keeps the viewer substantively engaged. Seeing him play a vulnerable drunk and rehab bound airline pilot,was a departure from his usual roles. The movie was also filled with subtle redemption undertones concerning prayer,church,addiction,etc. One of the stewardess's was church bound as soon as the plan arrived to its destination. John Goodman was a sure scene stealer as Whip's street pharmacist. there were scenes that really pull you in and get your attention while providing a window into the degrees of denial that are evident in an alcoholic's or any drug dependent's personality--Whip's alcohol issues are complimented, compounded and ultimately salvaged by his new female friends intervention. She is grappling with her own addiction challenges. There were several scenes which stood out. The crash scene in the beginning had me on the edge of my seat. It was awesome how Whittaker was portrayed behind the pilots wheel and his command of the instruments despite the fact he had been out all night. The scene at the end where he has a heart to heart with his son while in prison and touches on the importance of truthfulness is icing on the cake. He admits to his son that he is finally sober and for the first time in his life he feels free. I was expecting a flight disaster movie after viewing the trailers,but there was so much more to the movie. And, that extra something was a pleasant surprise.

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