Monday, June 4, 2007

A Missing O'Donnell Observation...

Recently Rosie O'Donnell has been in one battle after the other with fellow "View"talk show hosts and with business tycoon Donald Trump. Both have made less than charming references to one another.In fact,the hostile and mostly vitriolic "back and forth" would probably have come to blows if the two were in close proximity to one another when making the scouring exchanges of remarks. All in all,I think the whole matter it has taken public discourse down a few notches.If adults can't communicate cordially and civilly towards one another, and make a spectacle of themselves "playing the dozens" as the old folks call it,then how can we expect the kids to do the same.

Rosie has even gotten into a "furor" over the controversy with View's head honcho Barbara Walters which eventually led to her departure from the popular morning television program.I've followed the breaking news reports,the gossip spins on the story and I reflected on the immense popularity and success Rosie enjoyed with her talk show program a few years back. A lot of that was a result of the wonderful things she did for guests on the show and the kindnesses she extended to others. I then recalled a blog that I posted on Heavier Octaves last year reporting about Rosie's generosity in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina disaster and I thought why isn't somebody talking about the good things she does and has done. So,for this reason and other reasons which I can not clearly articulate at this time,I lift for today's "Daily Inspiration" a post from the Heavier Octaves blog dated

Here's the link

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