Monday, August 24, 2020

“Hopeful History Made, Blunting Coronavirus’ Toll

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been blunted notably by the historic nomination of Kamala Harris, the first black woman to ever make it within threshold reach of the Vice Presidential office. For many blacks, it is an historic and hopeful time, though many are worn out and drained from what has been an unceasing  Covid-19 roller coaster ride. The uncertainties that have hatched since its onslaught,and the haphazard way in which the entire matter has been managed still leaves tremendous psychological burdens and trauma on the public. Everyday the community of consciousness takes a beating from media reports of mounting deaths and new contractions of the disease, people being buried in mass gravesites,etc.

The politicians want to point fingers at one another and maneuver the menace of coronavirus into a game changer for either side. The party or person that can come up with a medicinal cure  or who can successfully employ social  stratagems of containment and order to ameliorate the financial impact of joblessness,lost tax revenue from cancellations of major events and mass depression, will be our qualified tested and true heroes. Well, in case you have not figured it out yet, there is a higher and larger dynamic at play here. 

In short and to the point, man’s limitation is God’s opportunity. It’s time to bring the faith communities together like never before and call on our creator for guidance and direction in employing resources to our surrounding communities and broader world. Though notable strides have been made to neutralize the virus’ impact in many ways, measures have been taken to curb its spread, healthcare workers are being lifted up and truly appreciated,neighbors are reaching out in kindness to their neighbors more,doctors are racing for a cure. But Coronavirus continues to bob its relentless head up again and again. New Zealand, Brazil, El Salvador and a host of other countries around the world including the US can attest to that. Human kind seems to be somehow mysteriously log jammed and intermittently stuck. However, Congress has done amazingly in a short time getting the first round of economic relief out to citizens. 

 But, I wonder while many still don’t have steady income or jobs what is taking so long for our leaders to take constructive actions now and pass and sign a bill that will continue unemployment compensation,emergency loans to small needy businesses and substantial relief  to individuals? We need to turn up the volume and shine the spotlight on that. Re-distributing the mammoth loans that went out overpaying wealthy corporations, back to poor families struggling to make ends meet is a good start in infusing hope in the public and restoring faith in our system of government. This action would certainly serve to energize the masses and aid in fortifying the spirit to overcome Covid-19.

I think the Biden Harris ticket can do that and much more with significant input from ordinary citizens like those highlighted during the Democratic Convention’s innovative keynote--a brilliant idea, by the way. Hooray for Kamala!

God is able.

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