Monday, January 18, 2021

In Honor of Dr. King on the Celebration of his Birthday

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of god.-Matthew 5:9

In the midst of a global pandemic that has left hundreds of thousands dead, countries challenged  with health care delivery shortages and the US on the heels of a historic Presidential impeachment, with charges of inciting a seditious riot leveled against him, our nation and the world will celebrate the birthday of Dr.Martin Luther King,one of the most extraordinary peacemakers of our times. Many are remembering his capacity to galvanize thousands in a peaceful manner through prayer and non-violent protest.The most memorable one being the 1963 March on Washington that culminated in his powerful “I Have a Dream” speech. Thousands of people filled the nation’s Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial grounds were filled with a sea of orderly non-violent protestors. Dr. King’s love and compassion for his fellow man created an environment of exceptional harmony. The crowd of a quarter million engaged in peaceful non-violent protest, demonstrating in their fight for equal rights to employment, fair housing and other civil rights denied over hundreds of years. They did not storm the Capitol, become destructive nor unruly. No riotous behavior ensued. 

Let us pray this day that the current atmosphere in the nations capital will be worked out peaceably and honorably among our political leaders and that justice and righteousness will prevail.  That the environment will be imbued with the decorum fitting of elder statesmen, those who honor their sacred trust to represent the people according to their oaths and convictions. Further, that they will take responsibility for their actions, stepping up to the plate and tackling those very difficult issues while withdrawing from those positions when it is evident that further action would not be in the best interests of their country. 

Pray and move forward stepping out on the power of God’s word, inspired and motivated by  hope for the targeted and victimized to have a better future. Keep showing compassion and do good fiercely in the face of what manifests as insurmountable odds and activities of chaos and evil staring you in the face. The kind that would incite an angry, violence driven and hate-filled mob to storm the US Capitol. The good news is that we can and will overcome “together” inch by inch, triumph by triumph, milestone by milestone standing on God’s promises as we step forward with faith, love and compassion. But remember, “all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

The audio podcast of this post can be found at this link. You may also access the link in the header of the desktop version of this blog.  


Reverend Cynthia Wilson


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