Hebrews 10:12:
But this man, after offering one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.,
Jesus prayed for the cup to be passed from him during his period of deep prayer and reflection in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39). He was saddened and driven to tears from the behavior of those who spitefully accused him, betrayed him and clamored for his death from the mob that surrounded Pontius Pilot.
Yet through it all, his resurrection on Easter morning transformed the gloom and doom of that day, that misery and cruelty he was subjected to on Mt. Calvary and the days leading up to it into joy and victory. His resurrection from death took the sadness and agony out of his crucifixion, and the ultimate sting out of death (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)in the witness of Jesus’ triumph over it. This aliveness we experience today in the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, which Jesus promised to send faithful believers and never leave them alone(John 14:15-17).
My prayers go out to you today as you reflect and/or speak or preach in earnest on the 7 Last Words of Christ. God bless you.
The 7 Last Words as set forth in scripture are as follows:
1st Word- “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”
The Word of Forgiveness"
Luke 23:34
2nd Word-“Be with me in Paradise”
“The Word of Salvation”
Luke 23:43
3rd Word-“Behold Thy Son”
The Word of Relationship
John 19:26–27
4th Word- “Father Why has thou forsaken Me?”
The Word Forsaken
Mark 15:34
Matthew 27:46
5th Word-“I Thirst”
“The Word of Distress”
John 19:28
6th Word-“It is Finished”
The Word of Triumph
John 19:30
7th Word-“Father into your hands I Commend my spirit”
“The Word of Reunion”
Luke 23:46
Enjoy worshipping whether you are experiencing it in person or streaming services on one of your devices.
Rev. Cynthia Wilson