Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's Happening in N.O.L.A Now?

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With all the hoopla about Presidential hopeful,Republican candidate John Mccain's recent trip to New Orleans... " McCain has been touring poor neighborhoods where the likelihood of his winning votes is nil. In New Orleans, devastated by Hurricane Katrina, he stood with the new Republican governor, Bobby Jindal, and pledged to the residents of the 9th Ward, "the people of New Orleans, and the people of this country that never again, never again will a disaster of this nature be handled in the terrible and disgraceful way it was handled"(more). Today there have been reports of New Orleans residents being required to pay money back to the government which was received for rebuilding efforts(more..).

In light of all this,and my desire to bring to light the perspectives of eyewitnesses to the "big mess",I am lifting these series of blogs which I wrote as a rescue worker and minister back in 2006 as part of documenting the mission trip of over forty(40) scholars and students from Union Theological seminary and Columbia School of Social Work.

I hope today's story is not true.If any of the resident's have to pay anything back,I trust that equitable measures will be taken so that further insult is not added to injury.The residents of New Orleans have suffered enough. Don't you think?

Katrina has been called the worst disaster in U.S. history.It seems to be turning into the worst human fiasco as well.

By the way, take a look at some of the related blogs with accompanying photos and articles below. I also recommend reading the book "Katrina:Listening With Our Hearts" to which I was a contributor.

Here's an entry from the Heavier Octaves blog dated January 13,2006:

Photo Credits:(1-5) Lower Ninth(9th) Ward-New Orleans,LA.
All pictures taken by Michael Lee, except #5.

As our time in New Orleans progressed we saw and experienced more devastation.
Above are some pictures of what we saw.Members of our team did what we could to help in whatever way was possible. Some team members either talked with residents or helped to strip drywall. This area of the city is uninhabitable. Many of the residents are living in other cities and states along the Gulf Coast. Some have moved as far away as California and North Dakota.
More to come...

Let's keep the residents of New Orleans lifted in prayer.Also,write stories,call and email your congresspersons and stir up some concern on this matter.I am not Republican nor am I planning to vote that way,but I appreciate the attention Senator McCain is bringing to the matter.

I also want to lift up the musicians who are currently appearing at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival including:

Stevie Wonder
Irma Thomas
Aaron Neville
Carlos Santana


John Mayer at the Jazz Festival on May 6,2008 at the fair grounds

Related Katrina Blogs

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Working Class Hero Bruce Springsteen Endorses Barack Obama

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Today rockstar and working class hero Bruce Springsteen endorsed Senator Barack Obama as his candidate of choice for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a letter posted on his web site today, the musician known by his fans as "Brrruuuuuucce" endorsed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) for president, siding with the first-term senator as "head and shoulders above the rest" -- (more...)

In the face of all the frenzy,distortion and media "beat-down"that Senator Obama has been experiencing lately,this undoubtedly was a welcome turn of events in the Obama camp. The pundits and some media experts are downplaying the impact such an endorsement can have. I believe it wise not to underestimate the rock star brand,especially with a musician whose music is ingrained into the fabric of small town America.It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Thumbs Up to Bruce.



Related Blogs:

Cynthia D. Wilson Speaks and Writes...: The Times They Are A Changin'-Happy Birthday Dr. King--the Fight Continues On A Higher Level...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dr. Martin Luther King Anniversary Recap: Barack Obama Speaks on the 40th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Part of Barack Obama's Speech:

Today represents a tragic anniversary for our country. Through his faith, courage, and wisdom, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. moved an entire nation. He preached the gospel of brotherhood; of equality and justice. That's the cause for which he lived – and for which he died forty years ago today. And so before we begin, I ask you to join me in a moment of silence in memory of this extraordinary American.

There's been a lot of discussion this week about how Dr. King's life and legacy speak to us today. It's taking place in our schools and churches, on television and around the dinner table. And I suspect that much of what folks are talking about centers on issues of racial justice – on the Montgomery bus boycott and the March on Washington, on the freedom rides and the stand at Selma (More...).

I believe the 40th Anniversary of Dr.Martin Luther King's death was well covered this past weekend.There were a good number of quality television shows about it,including the documentary "King" by Tom Brokaw which broadcasted on the History Channel on Sunday.

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson,author and professor at Georgetown University and Former King aide,friend and confidante Ambassador Andrew Young ,did an excellent job of commemorating King's legacy and dream on MSNBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert. Check it out if you can,get the television show transcript or read Dyson's and Obama's books below.




Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama

The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama

April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Death and How It Changed America by Michael Eric


King documentary by Tom Brokaw

Meet the Press segment on King with Tim Russert

Related blogs:

The Times They Are A Changin'-Happy Birthday Dr. King -the Fight Continues
On a Higher Level...

Happy Birthday Dr. King-Global Day of Action
Against Poverty Revisited

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Prayer for ...

Thought I'd lift up today this audio podcast entitled "Poetic Blessing" for a friend who is always there for others and a blessing to them in so many ways. In case he has forgotten in the face of the challenges and tear downs that seem to have reached epidemic proportion in today's society whether in fever pitched political campaigns or in the barb wired gossip industry, there are some people who do really care. Many don't always express it as consistently and vigorously as they ought. Love and praise can most times,if not ultimately, neutralize or counteract "tear downs",misrepresentations and "snark attacks". Let this poem serve as a gentle reminder that you are the best and that you remain in my prayers.

Entitled "My Prayer for John",it is included in the closing segment of a podcast recorded on February 20,2008 entitled "Poetic Blessing".

Here is the link.

Spread some hope and encouragement today.It couldn't hurt.



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Art of Asking

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The Heavier Octaves Profile Song of the week is "Say" . It is a beautiful song.It sounds like a lot of time and effort went into composition and production.The song was especially commissioned for the movie "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.There are two music videos of the soundtrack song,one official and the other an alternate version.

Have there been times when you've either been all choked up(some call it full) or otherwise at a loss for words?

Lately,I have found myself more and more at a loss for just the right words. At times, just what symbols of expression to use has been a challenge as well. I have come to discover that this happens usually when I have not exercised my gift of speech or articulation at that crucial moment. Believe it or not even as a minister this happens.I have found myself in such a predicament either when the person I want to say something to is surrounded by people who should not really be privy to the information or when careful wording and diplomacy has to be used. It has also happened when I am afraid of being misunderstood,i.e., when I feel my intentions likely to be misinterpreted by a hostile or biased audience.Sometimes I don't say anything out of fear of being rejected,especially when it is a big dream involved. The stakes are usually pretty high then. And,please don't confuse this kind of trial with a crisis in faith. I wrote a blog a few years back which provides a different spin on the issue, entitled "The Art of Asking".

Getting clogged up, one way to reference it,is what begins to happen when you've let the opportunity to express yourself pass on numerous significant occasions.You simply become rusty and underutilized over time. And,as a consequence, when the opportune moment arrives in which you absolutely need to use your voice ,having been out of practice somehow you lose it. Awkwardly, you finding yourself not really knowing just what to say.

Honestly,there are times that you really need to remain silent. But nine times out of ten,you need to speak up. Don't get frozen in time pondering and weighing the consequences...on temporary inexpressive meltdown. Let it rip. And,like Esther... , who thought "If I perish,I perish...take the risk,be bold and courageous. One thing is for sure, you will have spoken your mind and gotten something out of your heart and into the wider world.The world will likely be a better place as a result. You may save some one, some people or even yourself. And,if nothing else comes of your bold verbal catharsis,you can at least sleep easier at night knowing you've done your part.

Trust and have faith that someone will hear you.It may be the one you've longed to receive the true meaning of words coming from the depths of your soul. "Say what you need to say". No more playing with the "shadows in your head"...

On that note,I think it appropriate to once again lift up a blog I posted on Myspace entitled "The Art of Asking" . Here is the link(coming soon...).

While you go through the blog ask yourself and create a kind of "bucket list." "What do you want to do?" What haven't you done or said to make things right with yourself or another? Remember,you don't have forever.





The Bucket List

Listening To:



Esther's Story

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Media And Image Bias Continues to Rear Its Head in This Year's Presidential Race

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A good friend  emailed the following article to me this morning as part of an email broadcast to her friends,originally posted by Cenk Uygur in the Huffington Post on March 19,2008.The above photo is my own addition to this subject matter as a means of provoking thought and was not at all a part of the blog featured below.

While I should have weighed in on this subject much sooner,I think now is as good a time as any to express  disdain for the manner in which the Rev. Wright controversy has been handled over the last few months by not only the media, but the pundits, the candidates and political strategists as well.

I believe that both Senator Obama and Dr. Jeremiah Wright were done a disservice by being backed into corners and run over by "trains of thought" fixed and headed down the tracks to an unavoidable end.An end in many ways choreographed by petty bigotries,ignorance and racial fears, and subtle,if not blatant psychological manipulation. Yes. I believe some used the incident as a convenient weapon against Obama to withdraw or encourage others to withdraw their support.Put another way,most who were left reeling and alarmed by Rev.Jeremiah Wright's remarks(sound byte) and the fact that Senator Obama could have been a member of such a pastor's flock,were predisposed to reach that opinion anyway,but perhaps for different reasons.The Rev.Wright incident was a stroke of luck,used tactically--potentially strategically-- as a convenient excuse and as a a blueprint for misguided character assassination. On the other hand,I am not so sure denunciation and distancing from a pastor of over twenty(20) years, undoubtedly a source of inspiration and guidance for a phenomenal career, was the most effective route to take on the matter.

Uygur's article echoes some of my thoughts and sentiments on the matter.Stay tuned for more from me on this issue as part of an upcoming blog and related podcast in the near future.

Here's Cenk's take on the matter:
Rudy Giuliani's priest has been accused in grand jury proceedings of molesting several children
and covering up the molestation of others. Giuliani would not disavow him on the campaign trail and still works with him.
Mitt Romney was part of a church that did not view black Americans as equals and actively discriminated against them. He stayed with that church all the way into his early thirties, until they were finally forced to change their policies to come into compliance with civil rights legislation. Romney never disavowed his church back then or now. He said he was proud of the faith of his fathers.

Jerry Falwell said America had 9/11 coming because we tolerated gays, feminists and liberals. It was our fault. Our chickens had come home to roost, if you will. John McCain proudly received his support and even spoke at his university's commencement.
Reverend John Hagee has called the Catholic Church the "Great Whore." He has said that the Anti-Christ will rise out of the European Union (of course, the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish). He has said all Muslims are trained to kill and will be part of the devil's army when Armageddon comes (which he hopes is soon). John McCain continues to say he is proud of Reverend Hagee's endorsement.

Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. Since this is such an outlandish claim, I have to add for the record, that he is not kidding. Reverend Parsley says Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" brought down from a "demon spirit." Of course, we are in a war against all Muslims, including presumably Muslim-Americans. Buts since Parsley believes this is a Christian nation and that it should be run as a theocracy, he is not very concerned what Muslim-Americans think.

John McCain says Reverend Rod Parsley is his "spiritual guide."
What separates all of these outrageous preachers from Barack Obama's? You guessed it. They're white and Reverend Jeremiah Wright is not. If it's not racism that's causing the disparity in media treatment of these preachers, then what is it?
I'm willing to listen to other possible explanations. And I am inclined to believe that the people these preachers go after are more important than the race of the preacher. It's one thing to go after gays, liberals and Muslims -- that seems to be perfectly acceptable in America -- it's another to accuse white folks of not living up to their ideals.

I think there is another factor at play as well. The media is deathly afraid of calling out preachers of any stripe for insane propaganda from the pulpits for fear that they will be labeled as anti-Christian. But criticism of Rev. Wright falls into their comfort zone. It's easy to blame him for being anti-American because he criticizes American foreign and domestic policy.
If Rev. Wright had preached about discriminating against gay Americans or Muslims, there probably would not have been any outcry at all. That falls into the category of "respect their hateful opinions because they cloak themselves in the church."
But one thing is indisputable -- the enormous disparity in how the media has covered these white preachers as opposed to Rev. Wright. Have you ever even heard of Rod Parsley? As you can see from what I listed above, all of these white preachers have said and done the most outlandish and offensive things you can imagine -- and hardly a peep.

If the disparity in coverage isn't racist, then what is it?
I wonder if the same problem with disparity and honesty in coverage will continue to be an issue as the media covers Obama's predicted victory as the first African American in the history of this country to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Heavier Side...Something Important to Say

I have not gone back and forth feverishly weighing the thoughts or opinions of the pundits or news broadcasters--at least not on any of my blogs during this Presidential primary. I am now making an exception. I think Mr. Olberman has something important to say...I

So much so that it inspired me enough to place it on my blog because he prefaces his remarks with the statement of how much respect he has for the person he is "calling out."

For that reason and the fact that none of us should ever have to deal with the ignorance that racism breeds, its worth a listen. Something to think about for sure.

Take a look:

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