Showing posts with label protest songs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest songs. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sing Up! Part 2

Protests have taken place for centuries in this country, fundamental constitutional First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, association and right of peaceful assembly in the U.S. Often wonderful harmonic non-violent cadences rhythmically looping songs and chants have filled city streets and country roads with sounds of determined and intense righteous indignation soaring from crowds over some social ill or another. A mixture of traditional  Spirituals and popular songs like "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around",  "We Shall Overcome", " "Blowin in the Wind" were familiar during the sixties.

Recently, the brutal death of George Floyd witnessed and recorded live on tape as well as other unjustified killings of unarmed young blacks by nervous, fearful and hate filled police officers have resulted in protestors lifting their voices in outrage, marching in cities across the nation and throughout the world for miles on end.

Unfortunately, blacks have far too long witnessed cruel and inhumane acts, crimes fueled by racism of klansmen and other cloaked white supremacists terrorizing them as they traveled through remote towns of this country, especially in the south and frequently in their own neighborhoods. In northern cities the violent attacks against blacks came mostly at the hands of police officers.

Singing songs have been a means of communication during slavery and a peaceful and constructive way of  emboldening non-violent action as black people and other protesters supporting non-violent social change coped with clubbings from billie clubs, violent thrusts from water hoses and other actions by law enforcement to deter protests. now its pepper spray and flash grenades.

Music, sound and song brought comfort and healing throughout the ordeals. Sometimes the invisible shield of sound vibration created from hundreds of voices singing in unison made all the difference in creating and maintaining peace and harmony. I applaud and honor all who marched peaceably and who practice the teachings of King and Ghandi marching and lifting their voices until constructive change takes place in policing policies.

Here is a list of some of popular music's most notable protest and social observation songs and anthems over the years.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Protest Songs:Sing Up!

"A Wish for Peace" by Peppita Selles As today's inspiration,I thought it would be great to make a joyful noise in celebration and praise of the freedom to vote,to speak our minds and to protest. While at it,you might want to check up on the Voting Rights Amendment news or register to vote yourself,if you have not done so already. The right to vote did not come easily.It was hard fought.So was the right to speak freely and responsibly.Often,people have given their lives so that we could have the freedom to express ourselves without fear of reprisal,retaliation or execution. Follow the link below to an article on a MySpace blog originally copied from the archives of the "Heavier Octaves High Notes" Blogzine which was published on April 24,2006.It contains Heavier Octaves' top pics from Mojo Magazine's Top 100 Protest Song List of all time.Find it at the Heavier Octaves MySpace blog here.Some new songs have been added as well from recent times,including Alicia Keys and Bono "Don't Give Up Africa",Stevie Wonder and India Irie's "Time To Love" and John Mayer's "Belief". In addition,a link has been provided to a sample of each song listed.You can find complete versions of most songs at the itunes music store.Just click on the link. Now go ahead and pump up the volume. As you sing and/or dance to the music,send out good vibrations and prayers to those areas of society or the globe for that matter,that you feel need to be lifted up for positive change. Enjoy. Peace, Cynthia

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